ID |
Abstract Title |
Presenter |
Company |
Session Choice |
Presentation |
266 | Novel ways to introduce the traditional salt based chromatography technique of Ion Exchange Chromatography of biopharmaceutical proteins into High Resolution Mass Spectrometry | Mr Florian Fussl | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
268 | Apolipoproteins, non-polar lipids, polar lipids and lipoprotein particle numbers. Can we measure them all on large number of samples? | Dr Zsuzsanna Kuklenyik | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Clinical Hyphenations | Seminar |
271 | Green Bioanalytical Analysis of Voriconazole and Tadalafil by HPLC | Dr Aysegul Dogan | Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Analytical Chemistry | Green Separations | Seminar |
272 | Using Free, High-Performance, Computer Modeling Software to Simulate Gas Chromatographic Separations | Dr Jaap de zeeuw | Restek corporation | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
283 | Replicates of Complex Mixtures in Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Could Help Pave The Way to Big Data | Mr Remy Gavard | University of Warwick | Big Data, The Last Hyphenation | Seminar |
285 | Hyphenated microdialysis and chromatography to monitoring protein free drug for pharmacokinetic study in rat | Prof Tung-Hu Tsai | National United University / National Yang-Ming University | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
286 | Separation of isomeric metabolites of carbamazepine by liquid chromatography and high resolution accurate mass. | Dr Joanne Roberts | Glasgow Caledonian University | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
287 | Automated sample preparation: the missing hyphen to hypernation | Dr Camilla Liscio | Anatune | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Seminar |
289 | Characterization of Small Heterogeneities in Polymers by Analysis of UPLC/ESI-MS Reconstructed Ion Chromatograms | Mr Ruben Epping | Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
290 | Topology discrimination of saponin ions by Hyphenated Mass Spectrometry techniques and computational chemistry | Mr Corentin Decroo | Umons | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
291 | Microwave-assisted hydrolysis of Alginic Acid | Mrs Tiffani Bouanati | UMons | Energy & the Environment | Poster |
293 | Characterisation and biological evaluation of Chilean quinoa saponin | Mr Emmanuel Colson | UMONS | Quantitation, Pharma & Forensics | Poster |
295 | Primary and secondary structures of peptoids as probed by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry | Mrs Emilie Halin | UMONS | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Poster |
297 | Thallium bioaccumulation and cytosolic distribution among biomolecules of different molecular masses in the liver of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) from the Croatian river Krka | Ms Nesrete Krasnici | Rudjer Boskovic Institute | Energy & the Environment | Poster |
298 | Chiral Stationary-Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography: a Novel Approach for the Separation of Mixtures of Enantiomers. | Mr Ravindra Hegade | Ghent University | Exploiting Separation Science | Seminar |
299 | Chiral Stationary-Phase Optimized Selectivity Liquid Chromatography: a Novel Approach for the Separation of Mixtures of Enantiomers. | Mr Ravindra Hegade | Ghent University | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
300 | Chiral Stationary Phase Optimized Selectivity Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SOS-SFC): a novel approach for optimizing the separation of enantiomers | Mr Ravindra Hegade | Ghent University | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
301 | Underivatized LC-MS/MS determination of ethyl carbamate in wines | Mr João Micael Leça | Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering - University of Madeira | Food/Drink | Poster |
302 | Why Do We Still Use Silica | Prof Peter Myers | University of Liverpool | Other | Seminar |
303 | Petroleomic Depth Profiling of Staten Island Soil by GC and FT-ICR MS | Ms Mary Thomas | University of Warwick | Energy & the Environment | Seminar |
305 | Expanding the Application of Thermal Desorber Devices towards Dynamic Headspace Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Residual Solvents | Prof Erwin Adams | Pharmaceutical Analysis - KU Leuven | Quantitation, Pharma & Forensics | Seminar |
306 | Application of an Atmospheric Micro Hollow Cathode Discharge Set-up in a Novel GC-detector | Mr Kris Wolfs | Pharmaceutical Analysis - KU Leuven | Interfacing and Ionisation | Poster |
307 | Analysis of Aromatic Substituted Quaternary Ammonium Salts using a Headspace Gas Chromatography Based Methodology | Prof Erwin Adams | Pharmaceutical Analysis - KU Leuven | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Poster |
308 | Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Used for Drug Delivery by Sorptive Interaction - Multiple Headspace Extraction - Gas Chromatography | Mr Juan Aspromonte | Pharmaceutical Analysis - KU Leuven | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
309 | Understanding the possibilities of solvent-assisted post-column refocusing to enhance detection limits in 1-D and 2-D LC | Mr Vincent Pepermans | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
310 | The power of selectivity and the strength to choose - Chiral Screening using an SFC / LC Switching System | Dr Gesa Schad | Shimadzu Europa GmbH | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
311 | SFC-MS compared to LC-MS in the analysis of small molecules | Dr Gesa Schad | Shimadzu Europa GmbH | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Poster |
312 | Analysis of volatile compounds in complex samples using static headspace multi-capillary column gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry (SHS-MCC-GC-IMS) | Prof John Dean | Northumbria University | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
313 | Detection of bacteriologically produced hydrogen sulphide using SHS-MCC-GC-IMS | Prof John Dean | Northumbria University | Clinical Hyphenations | Seminar |
314 | SPE-GC-MS screening of the volatiles from musts collected at different Madeira winemakers | Mrs Andreia Miranda | University of Madeira | Food/Drink | Poster |
315 | Development of a new method of headspace analysis on flavored mineral waters | Dr Emilie Descours | ISIPCA | Food/Drink | Poster |
316 | Identification of Aspergillus spores by preparative IEF and MALDI-TOF MS | Dr Jiri Salplachta | Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Analytical Chemistry | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
317 | The comparison of Unispray and Electrospray for the ionization of neuropeptides | Mr Yannick Van Wanseele | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Interfacing and Ionisation | Seminar |
318 | Improving Untargeted Metabolomics with Ion Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry | Mr John Walsby-Tickle | University of Oxford | Hyphenated Techniques for Comprehensive Analysis | Seminar |
319 | Detection and differentiation of botulinum neurotoxins for the diagnosis and prevention of botulism | Dr John Barr | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | Clinical Hyphenations | Seminar |
320 | GCxGC–HRTOFMS analysis of a complex lipid profile in human sebum | Mr Masahiro Hashimoto | JEOL(Europe)SAS | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
321 | Stationary phase optimized selectivity chiral liquid chromatography (SOS-CLC) as a novel perspective for the separation of stereoisomers | Mr Ravindra Hegade | Ghent University | Exploiting Separation Science | Seminar |
322 | Characterisation of insulin analogues with SEC-MALS and complementary ultracentrifugation | Dr Richard Gillis | University of Nottingham | BioPharma/Sample Prep & Automation | Poster |
323 | Assessing 2-Dimensional Comprehensive Flow-Modulated Gas Chromatography for fingerprinting archaeological bitumen | Dr Thomas Van de Velde | Ghent University | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
324 | Fingerprint characterization of bio-oil from the pyrolysis of African palm and its esterification product | Mrs Diana Palacio | University of Warwick | Energy & the Environment | Seminar |
325 | Advancing hydrophobic interaction chromatography methods to characterize biotechnology enzyme mixtures and to profile biotherapeutics | Prof Sebastiaan Eeltink | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | (R)evolutions in Biopharmaceutical Analysis (KVCV) | Seminar |
326 | Enhanced resolution of stereoisomers through Stationary phase optimized selectivity liquid and supercritical chromatography (SOS-LC and SOS-SFC) | Mr Ravindra Hegade | Ghent University | Exploiting Separation Science | Seminar |
327 | Investigating the potential for improved temperature responsive separations in liquid chromatography | Mr Mathijs Baert | Ghent University | Green Separations | Seminar |
328 | Combining high-capacity sorptive extraction with Thermal desorption pre-concentration for analysis of (S)VOCs in environmental samples | Dr Lara Kelly | Markes International Ltd | Other | Seminar |
329 | Combining high-capacity sorptive extraction with Thermal desorption pre-concentration for analysis of (S)VOCs in environmental samples | Dr Lara Kelly | Markes International Ltd | Energy & the Environment | Poster |
331 | Analytical developments in sample preparation to reliably measure the emission of volatiles from materials in a high-throughput fashion | Dr An Adams | Dow | Other | Seminar |
333 | Sequential Three-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Accurate Mass Spectrometry: A Novel Tool for High-Resolution Characterization of Multicomponent Samples | Ms Dandan Yan | Unversity of Tasmania | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
334 | Application of tandem UV/Charged aerosol detection in analysis of bioactive substances in food supplements | Mr Jakub Fibigr | Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy | Food/Drink | Poster |
335 | All Ion Differential Analysis in Product Control Applications using GC/MS and Comprehensive GCxGC/MS | Dr Marco Ruijken | MsMetrix | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
336 | Comparative Analysis in GCxGC/MS: Detection and Identification of Co-Eluting Unknowns | Dr Marco Ruijken | MsMetrix | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Poster |
337 | MsCompare: An Untargeted GC/MS Metabolomics Platform for Quality Control, Precise Deconvolution and Data Analysis | Dr Marco Ruijken | MsMetrix | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Poster |
338 | Separation of amino acids and aromatic carboxylic acids on silica monolithic capillary columns | Dr Dana Moravcova | Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Analytical Chemistry | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Poster |
339 | Exploring the possibilities of temperature responsive columns in comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography. | Mr Mathijs Baert | Ghent University | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
340 | From GC-MS to LC-MS/MS: Further Advances in Adrenal Cancer Diagnosis | Dr Angela Taylor | University of Birmingham | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Seminar |
341 | Application of Headspace – Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for the Characterization of Polymeric Materials | Dr Peter Kusch | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences | Microfluidics & flow process technology | Poster |
342 | On-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography using column-switching system for mycotoxin analysis in beer | Dr Ivona Lhotská | Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Analytical Chemistry | Food/Drink | Poster |
343 | Application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in the quantitative analysis of organic compounds generated in gasification/pyrolysis coupled Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactor: syngas clean up and hydrocarbon production. | Mr Geraint Sullivan | Swansea university | Analysis of Complex Energy Products | Poster |
344 | Chromatographic strategies combining RPLC, mixed-mode HPLC and SFC coupled to MS for impurity profiling of drugs candidates | Ms Elise Lemasson | Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique (ICOA) | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
345 | Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Triple-Detection for Characterization of Branched Polymers | Mr Nico Apel | Fraunhofer LBF | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
346 | An informatics based approach to developing stability indicating methods | Mr Peter Russell | Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs) | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
347 | Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry for high throughput screening in food analysis: the case of boar taint | Dr Sara Stead | Waters Corporation | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
348 | Quantitative drug metabolite profiling without authentic standards or radiolabels using LC-ICP-MS | Dr Filip Cuyckens | Janssen R&D | Other | Seminar |
349 | Possibilities of modern size-exclusion chromatography for therapeutic proteins; feasibility assessment for future mass spectrometry hyphenation | Dr Szabolcs Fekete | University of Geneva | (R)evolutions in Biopharmaceutical Analysis (KVCV) | Seminar |
350 | Data to decision: efficient processing of complex petroleomics data | Mr Samuel Ellick | University of Bristol | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Seminar |
351 | Object orientated programming, a core skill for the modern analytical chemist? | Mr Samuel Ellick | University of Bristol | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Poster |
352 | Quantitation of Dodecanoic Acid in Coconut Oil | Mr John Moncur | SpectralWorks Limited | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Poster |
353 | FAIMS and fortune | Dr Christianne Wicking | BP | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
354 | An Advanced Cyclic Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry System | Dr Kevin Giles | Waters Corporation | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
355 | Can CE-MS improve the detection of peptides and intact proteins and in biological samples? | Dr Stephen Lock | Sciex | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Seminar |
356 | Polar pesticide analysis by CESI-MS | Dr Stephen Lock | Sciex | Food/Drink | Poster |
357 | UHPLC quantitation and identity confirmation in drug development with a multi-detector approach | Dr Frank Steiner | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Seminar |
358 | UHPSFC-MS of a Range of Steroidal Compounds | Ms Julie Herniman | University of Southampton | Green Separations | Tutorial |
359 | The impact of pump design and setting on trace level detection in HPLC with trifluoroacetic acid modified mobile phases | Dr Mauro De Pra | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Poster |
360 | LC-MS/MS chiral ananlysis of chloramphencicol in the environment | Ms Felicity Elder | University of Bath | Screening Enviroment Pollutants, what can the data tell us? | Seminar |
361 | Application of 2D-LC for the traceable quantification of human growth hormone in serum | Dr Sophie Inman | LGC | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Poster |
362 | Chemically Sensitive Online Detectors for SEC – current advances for SEC-MR-NMR and SEC-QCL-IR | Dr Johannes Höpfner | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
363 | Direct Coupling of Solid Phase Microextraction to an Active Capillary Plasma Ionization Source for High-Throughput Trace Analysis in Solid and Liquid Matrices | Stefan Cretnik | ETH Zürich | Other | Poster |
364 | From clear liquids to clear solutions! | Mr Alex Ttofi | Bp | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
365 | Monitoring the effect of post-harvest storage on fruit quality by TD-GC×GC-TOF MS | Dr Natasha D. Spadafora | University of Calabria/Markes International | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
366 | Flavour profiling of milk using high-capacity sorptive extraction and TD–GC×GC–TOF MS | Dr Laura McGregor | SepSolve Analytical | Food/Drink | Poster |
367 | Quantitative proteomics for molecular diagnostics of public health | Mr Jack Rice | University of Bath | Energy & the Environment | Seminar |
368 | High-throughput GC×GC-FID for routine environmental analyses | Dr Laura McGregor | SepSolve Analytical | Energy & the Environment | Poster |
369 | Stepwise HPLC Extraction and Purification of Endogenous Urinary Metabolites for Their Annotation and Identification in Large Scale Phenotyping Studies | Dr Luke Whiley | MRC-NIHR National Phenome Centre, Imperial College London | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
370 | Probing selectivity of mixed-mode reversed-phase / weak-anion-exchange columns for small-molecule separations in liquid chromatography | Mr José Luís Dores-Sousa | Department of Chemical Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
371 | 50 shades of Green SFC | Dr Caroline West | University of Orleans | Green Separations | Seminar |
372 | Combined separation strategy for chiral method development of acidic and non-acidic pharmaceutical compounds in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) separation technique | Dr Dima Albals | Faculty of pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical science, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
373 | Simultaneous determination of lovastatin and its metabolite in rat plasma by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry | Mrs Wen-Ya Peng | National Yang-Ming University | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
374 | Fast and efficient group-type analysis of hydrocarbons by GCxGC | Dr Laura McGregor | SepSolve Analytical | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
375 | An LC-MS/MS Method to Monitor Tamoxifen and its Metabolites in Rat for Pharmacokinetic Study | Dr Yung-Yi Cheng | Institute of Traditional Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan | (R)evolutions in Biopharmaceutical Analysis (KVCV) | Poster |
376 | Automated Analysis of Vitamin D on the PAL-RTC Autosampler, using MagSiMUS-D PREP Sample Preparation for LC-MS/MS | Dr Nina Meszaros | Axel Semrau GmbH | Automating Complex Sample Workflows | Poster |
377 | Automated combination of Purge & Trap with common GC-MS Injection techniques according to EPA Methods 524.2 and 8260 on the PAL automation platform. | Dr Stefan Cretnik | CTC Analytics | Automating Complex Sample Workflows | Poster |
378 | On-line coupling of RPLC and chiral SFC for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds | Ms Marion Iguiniz | Institut des Sciences Analytiques, UMR5280, Université de Lyon, 5 rue de la Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
379 | Selectivity and mixed-mode retention mechanism of small-molecules in liquid chromatography using a reversed-phase / weak-anion-exchange stationary phase | Mr José Luís Dores-Sousa | Department of Chemical Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Poster |
380 | From one to four comprehensive separation dimensions to characterize antibody drug conjugates | Dr Davy GUILLARME | University of Geneva | (R)evolutions in Biopharmaceutical Analysis (KVCV) | Seminar |
381 | Towards Multifactorial Method Development via Predictive Elution Window Stretching and Shifting | Ms Gitte Coopmans | VUB | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Poster |
382 | The Analysis of Complex Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Oligomers using UHPSFC-APPI+ MS | Ms Dovile Lingaityte | University of Southampton | Other | Poster |
383 | Mass Spectrometric Investigation of Compounds of Interest to the Chemical Investigation Programme (CIP) within Environmental Matrices: Homogenate Analysis | Ms Rachel Townsend | Swansea University | Screening Enviroment Pollutants, what can the data tell us? | Seminar |
384 | Suspect screening of aquatic environmental matrices using high resolution analysis and in silico tools for broad scope tentative contaminant identification | Mr Leon Barron | Analytical & Environmental Sciences Division, King's College London | Other | Seminar |
386 | Ion mobility mass spectrometry - leveraging rich data on the gas-phase ion to separate and assign | Dr Cris Lapthorn | GSK | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
389 | Strategies to Optimize Throughput in 2D-LC | Dr Monika Dittmann | Agilent Technologies | High Throughput versus High Efficiency Separations (CS) | Seminar |
390 | Development and Validation of HPLC Method for Quantification of Rasagiline in Human Plasma by Using Fluorescent Detector | Dr Rabiea Bilal | University of Health Sciences Lahore | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Poster |
392 | Better Living Through (Flavor) Chemistry: Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy as a New Tool for GC Analysis of Terpenes in Flavors and Fragrances | Mr Alex Hodgson | VUV Analytics | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
397 | Understanding phosphorylation-mediated effects on NF-κB interactions using IM-MS | Prof Claire Eyers | University of Liverpool | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
398 | Development and validation of screening method for pesticides residues analysis in vegetables and fruits | Prof Aarif El-Mubarak | King Saud University | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
399 | Hyphenated techniques in the study of inorganic complexes in solution | Prof Olga Shuvaeva | Institute of Inorganic Chemistry | Exploiting Separation Science | Seminar |
401 | Extending Thermal Stability and Column Lifetime of WAX GC Columns | Mrs Laura Provoost | Agilent Technologies | Other | Poster |
408 | Online extraction and determination of carotenoids from food sample by means of supercritical fluid extraction-supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry | Dr Mariosimone Zoccali | University of Messina | Green Separations | Seminar |
412 | Recent Advances in the Analysis of Petroleum-based Fuels using Gas Chromatography-Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy | Mr James Diekmann | VUV Analytics | Analysis of Complex Energy Products | Seminar |
415 | Lipidomics by UHPL-CQTOF-MS/MS with Data-Independent Acquisition and Clinical Applications | Prof Michael Laemmerhofer | University of Tuebingen | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Seminar |
416 | Fast, efficient and selective: separation science for modern organic synthetic chemistry | Mr Tomas Leek | AstraZeneca | High Throughput versus High Efficiency Separations (CS) | Seminar |
421 | UPLC-MS for Metabolic Phenotyping: Advantages, Assays and Applications | Dr Elizabeth Want | Imperial College London | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Seminar |
428 | A paradigm shift for (big) data analysis in chromatography: on the use of Bayesian statistics | Gabriel Vivo-Truyols | Tecnometrix | Big Data Chemometrics and Method development (In-Silico) (KVCV) | Seminar |
429 | Matching 1st and 2nd dimension chemistries in the 2D-LC. Active Solvent Modulation | Konstantin Shoykhet | Agilent Technologies | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
430 | Chromatographic fingerprints: chemometrics and application in method development | Yvan Vanderheyden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Big Data Chemometrics and Method development (In-Silico) (KVCV) | Seminar |
431 | Possibilities of multi-parameter gradient retention modeling on mixed-mode stationary phases | Eva Tyteca | University of Liege | Big Data Chemometrics and Method development (In-Silico) (KVCV) | Seminar |
432 | LC-MS/MS chiral ananlysis of chloramphencicol in the environment | Ms Felicity Elder | University of Bath | Energy & the Environment | Seminar |
433 | Big Data - When Less is More | Mr Benjamin Woolford-Lim | GlaxoSmithKline | Big Data Chemometrics and Method development (In-Silico) (KVCV) | Seminar |
434 | Solid Phase Micro-Extraction - Breaking Free from Total Concentration Analysis | Dr Sheelan Ahmad | GlaxoSmithKline | Other | Seminar |
441 | Development of micro-flow liquid chromatography mass spectrometry reference method for metanephrines in plasma | Ms Dima AlMekdad | LGC and King s College London | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Poster |
443 | Screening of environmental passive sampling extracts using LC Q-TOF-MS in data-independent acquisition mode | Dr Anthony Gravell | Natural Resources Wales | Screening Enviroment Pollutants, what can the data tell us? | Seminar |
445 | Novel method for simultaneous determination of perfluoroalkyl acids, parabens and cotinine from a low volume human serum sample | Dr Jani Koponen | National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) | Screening Enviroment Pollutants, what can the data tell us? | Poster |
446 | Development of a Novel Immobilised Polysaccharide Chiral Stationary Phase for Enantiomeric Separations | Dr Daniel Eßer | YMC Europe GmbH | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Poster |
447 | Improvement in resolution and throughput on SEC analysis of monoclonal antibodies by using the new YMC-Pack Diol UHPLC column | Dr Daniel Eßer | YMC Europe GmbH | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
451 | The analysis of steroid seizures from UK customs- Implications for Anti-Doping | Dr Alan Brailsford | Kings College London | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Seminar |
454 | Dioxin, PCB, PBDE and PFAA concentrations in Baltic salmon during the 2000's | Dr Jani Koponen | National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) | Food/Drink | Poster |
482 | Oil analysis: an ensemble approach | Mr Tom Hancock | BP | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Poster |
483 | Sample Preparation Options for determination of Volatile compounds in Food | Dr Camilla Liscio | Anatune Ltd | Food/Drink | Poster |
485 | Generic Reverse Phase Chromatography…Speed, performance….or both? | Dr Bob Boughtflower | GSK | High Throughput versus High Efficiency Separations (CS) | Seminar |
486 | Finding a needle in a haystack: analysis of GC x GC Data | Ms Alexandra Harvey | Defence Science and Technology Lab | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
487 | Synthetic polymeric resins in downstream processing for food, fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals | Dr Benjamin Summers | Purolite Ltd. | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Poster |
488 | Understanding the dynamics of ion suppression caused by column bleed | Ms Liz Bevan | Agilent Technologies | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Poster |
489 | Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Environmental Samples using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GC with Ultra High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GCxGC-HRMS) | Mr alan griffiths | LECO UK | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
490 | Advancing the analytical toolbox using shotgun lipidomics for lipid modifying enzymes | Dr Erwin Kaal | DSM | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
491 | Supercritical Fluid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry: Robust, Reliable and Required | Prof John Langley | University of Southampton | Exploiting Separation Science | Seminar |
492 | The Analysis of Extractable and Leachable Components from Common Packaging Material using Ion-Mobility-Mass Spectrometry : Monitoring System Performance | Ms Jane Cooper | Waters Corporation | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Poster |
493 | Enhancing detection limits in chromatography using solvent-assisted post-column refocusing | Mr Vincent Pepermans | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
494 | Novel method for determination of acylcarnitines | Dr Benjami Jenkins | University of cambridge | Analysis of Complex Energy Products | Poster |
495 | Quantification of the extended list of suspected allergens in fragrance materials by GCxGC-TOFMS | Dr Sebastiano Panto | LECO European Application & Technology Center | Exploiting Separation Science | Poster |
496 | Applicability of retention modelling in hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography for algorithmic optimization programs with gradient-scanning techniques | Bob Pirok | University of Amsterdam | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
497 | Characterization of complex polyether polyols using comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography hyphenated with high resolution mass spectrometry (LCxLC-HRMS) | Gino Groeneveld | University of Amsterdam | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
498 | Multi-dimensional liquid chromatography of complex mixtures | Peter Schoenmakers | University of Amsterdam | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
500 | Methodologies to determine b-term coefficients revisited | Deirdre Cabooter | University in Leuven | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Seminar |
503 | Clinical Lipidomic Quantitation Based on Mass Spectrometry: Case Study of Pancreatic Cancer | Michal Holcapek | University of Pardubice | Big Data Chemometrics and Method Development(In-Silico)(KVCV) | Seminar |
504 | Use of different computer-aided method development software in late stages across global sites in pharmaceutical industry | Kai Chen | Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson | High Throughput versus High Efficiency Separations (CS) | Seminar |
505 | Of mice, sex and mass spectrometry | Prof Robert Beynon | University of Liverpool | Other | Seminar |
506 | Kinetics and mass transfer phenomena in modern chiral stationary phases | Alberto Cavazzini | University of Ferrara | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
507 | Molecule, particle, vesicle? - The new challenge for analytical separation technologies in polymer and protein characterisation | Mr Paul Clarke | Postnova Analytics | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Poster |
508 | Can Gas Chromatography – Olfactometry Determine the Importance of Volatile Organic Chemical to Food and Beverage Odour? | Mr Lewis Jones | Sensient Flavors | Food/Drink | Seminar |
509 | Separation science and its use for generating data, information and understanding | Prof Hans-Gerd Janssen | Unilever Research and University of Amsterdam | Other | Seminar |
527 | Considerations for the use of ultra-high pressures in liquid chromatography for 2.1mm inner diameter columns | Ken Broeckhoven | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
528 | Recent advances in the analysis of protein biopharmaceuticals | Koen Sandra | Research Institute for Chromatography | (R)evolutions in Biopharmaceutical Analysis (KVCV) | Seminar |
530 | Opportunities for ultra-rapid LC-MS/MS in high-throughput bioanalysis | Dr Lewis Couchman | Analytical Services International (ASI) Ltd. | Advances in Clinical Analysis | Seminar |
531 | Laboratory Automation: The Rise of the Machines | Mr Scott Summerfield | GSK | Automating Complex Sample Workflows | Seminar |
532 | Recent Progress in the Development of Perfectly Ordered Separation Media | Prof Gert Desmet | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Seminar |
533 | A tutorial on the fundamentals of hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) for pharmaceutical analysis | Dr James Heaton | Pfizer Ltd | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Tutorial |
535 | FAIMS mass spectrometry for the analysis of peptides and proteins | Prof Helen Cooper | University of Birmingham | Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (BMSS) | Seminar |
536 | Direct infusion MS – who needs hyphenation anyway? | Dr Sam Whitmarsh | BP | Analysis of Complex Energy Products | Seminar |
537 | Hyphenated Techniques for comprehensive analysis of metabolites in biological systems to describe metabolic changes caused by disease, environmental, nutritional, or genetic factors | Prof Tuulia Hyötyläinen | Örebro University | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
538 | High temperature chromatography: the winning solution allowing both throughput and efficiency? | Prof Frederic Lynen | Ghent University | Other | Seminar |
539 | LC-MS small molecule quantitation: a short tutorial of best practice | Dr Ruth Godfrey | Swansea University | Challenges in Quantitative Analysis | Tutorial |
541 | Flow Modulated Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry for “Comprehensive” characterization of Complex Samples | Prof Luigi Mondello | University of Messina | Comprehensive Chromatography - The State of the Art | Seminar |
542 | Exploiting comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography in food analysis | Prof Paola Dugo | University of Messina | Advanced Analysis of Food and Beverages | Seminar |
543 | Analysis of food products using advanced analytical techniques | Prof Paola Dugo | University of Messina | Other | Tutorial |
544 | Urban water profiling to inform the state of the environment and public health | Prof Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern | University of Bath | Screening Enviroment Pollutants, what can the data tell us? | Seminar |
545 | Gas Chromatographic Computer Modeling Software for Optimized Method Development and Education | Dr Hansjoerg Majer | Restek Corp | Fundamentals in Separation Science (KVCV) | Poster |
546 | Looking Inside the Black Box of Machine Learning Methods: Applications in Analytical Chemistry | Phil Kay | JMP, SAS Institute | Big Data Chemometrics and Method development (In-Silico) (KVCV) | Seminar |
547 | Flow chemistry: A synthetic chemist's perspective | Dr Anna Slater | University of Liverpool | Microfluidics & flow process technology | Tutorial |
548 | Separation and characterisation by ion mobility-mass spectrometry | Dr Antonio Calabrese | University of Leeds | Separations by Ion Mobility | Tutorial |
549 | Development of mass spectrometry protocols to provide better coverage of oxidised lipidome in inflammatory disease models | Dr Alpesh Thakker | Aston University | High Throughput versus High Efficiency Separations (CS) | Poster |
550 | Interfacing LC to MS | Ms Julie Herniman | University of Southampton | Other | Tutorial |
551 | Structure driven prediction of retention :Improvement of accuracy | Dr Roman Szucs | Pfizer | Other | Seminar |
552 | Thermal Analysis in hyphenation with mass spectrometry as a versatile tool for the analysis of complex and high boiling petroleum products | Mr Thomas Gröger | Helmholtz Zentrum München GmbH | Energy & the Environment | Seminar |
553 | A Practical, Selectivity Based Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) Method Development Protocol | Dr Alan McKeown | Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd | Fundamentals in Separation Science & Sample Prep | Poster |
554 | Highly Sensitive and Selective Quantification of Microcystin Toxins in Drinking Water By UHPLC-MS/MS | Dr Alan McKeown | Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd | Food/Drink | Poster |
555 | Maximising analytical data by understanding the implications of uncertainty | Mr Chris Hopley | LGC | Principles of Metrology & Data Handling | Tutorial |