Abstract Title: | Analysis of food products using advanced analytical techniques |
Abstract Type: | Tutorial |
Session Choice: | Other |
Presenter Name: | Prof Paola Dugo |
Co-authors: | Dr Francesco Cacciola Dr Francesca Rigano Prof Luigi Mondello |
Company/Organisation: | University of Messina |
Country: | Italy |
Abstract Information :
The tutorial is focused on the use of different analytical techniques applied to the analysis of food products. The latter are very complex mixtures containing many nutrients of organic (li-pids, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins) and inorganic (water, minerals, oxygen) nature but also xenobiotic substances that can come from technological processes, agrochemical treat-ments or packaging materials e.g. residues of pesticides, drugs, migrants from packaging, etc. Despite chromatographic techniques are of wide use, the great technological advances made in the mass spectrometry field, over the last decade, apparently diminished the need for a high-resolution chromatography step.
The benefits and disadvantages of each method will be discussed covering specific analytical needs in terms of characterization and fingerprinting of compounds of food interest.