AQE SHOW 2021 - Air Quality Conference Programme


Day 1 (13th October 2021)

Time Presentation Speaker Bio Company
Session : Government Update (Chair : Jim Mills)
09:30 Reducing Nitrogen Dioxide levels and Clean Air Zones – what’s the hype? Dr Justine Bejta Justine Bejta DEFRA
09:55 Strategic Review of UK National Monitoring Networks Dr Rob Kinnersley Rob Kinnersley Environment Agency
10:20 Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 – Towards a Better Place for Everyone Andrew Taylor Andrew Taylor Government of Scotland
10:45 Discussion
Coffee Break (11:00-11:30)
Coffee break Sponsored presentation
11:00 Photoionisation detection, its use in air quality monitoring and new developments for aqueous phase measurement Peter Morris   ION Science
Session : Indoor Air Quality (Chair : Michael Lunn)
11:30 Airborne COVID transmission and AQ Prof Paul Linden Paul Linden University of Cambridge
11:55 Indoor Air Quality and Health: PHE’s recent and current activities Sani Dimitroulopolou Sani Dimitroulopolou UK Health Security Agency
(UKHSA, formerly PHE)
12:20 INDAIRPOLLNET: Driving indoor air pollution research in Europe Prof Nicola Carslaw Nicola Carslaw University of York
12:45 Discussion
Lunch Break (13:00-13:40)
Lunch break Sponsored presentation
13:00 "Intelligent Particle Sensor" and Canaree Air Quality Monitors Vin Ratford   Piera Systems
13:20 A response to several known issues involving Air Quality Sensors for Ambient Monitoring Edurne IbarrolaUlzurrun   Kunak Technologies
Session : Air Quality & Climate Change (Chair : Matthew Farrow)
13:40 Setting the Scene Prof Alastair Lewis Ally Lewis York University
14:05 Mapping urban AQ and GHG emissions with neighborhood resolution Prof Ronald Cohen Ronald Cohen University of California, Berkeley
14:30 Discussion
Wrap Up (15:10-15:30)

Day 2 (14th October 2021)

Time Presentation Speaker Bio Company
Session : New Sensor Technologies (Chair : Jim Mills)
09:30 Small Sensor Technologies (Standards & Performance) Dr Nicholas Martin Nicholas Martin NPL
09:55 Assessing and enabling low-cost sensors for UK air quality challenges: the QUANT project Dr Pete Edwards Pete Edwards University of York
10:20 Sensor Network Operation and Data Expoitation Prof Rod Jones Rod Jones University of Cambridge
10:45 Discussion
Coffee (11:00-11:30)
Session : Modelling & Monitoring in Harmony (Chair : Michael Lunn)
11:30 Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on emissions using modelling and measurements Amy Stidworthy Amy Stidworthy CERC
11:55 The application of Real World Vehicle Emissions Measurements to provide unparalleled insight into the mobile sources of urban air pollution Stuart Sneddon Stuart Sneddon Ricardo
12:20 Discussion
Lunch (13:00-13:40)
Session : Innovations Session (Chair : Jim Mills)
13:40 Development and Early Results from the UK Supersite Network Dr David Green David Green Imperial College London
14:05 SAQN: harnessing STFC capabilities for novel research Dr Sarah Moller Sarah Moller University of York
14:30 Coupling mobile measurements and remote sensing for new insights into vehicle emission impacts Shona Wilde Shona Wilde University of York
14:55 Discussion
Wrap Up (15:10-15:30)

If you are interested in exhibiting, you can find more information here

Supporting Partners and Associations

environment EPUK ETP STA Combustion Engineering Association Environment Protection Agency Natural Resources Wales Scottish Environment Protection Agency Renewable Energy Association SAQN IAQM UKAS