AQESHOW - Abstract

Register at AQESHOW 2024

Abstract Title: Strategic Review of UK National Monitoring Networks
Presenter Name: Prof Rob Kinnersley
Company/Organisation: Environment Agency
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

The UK air quality monitoring networks provide data for a range of purposes. These include checking progress against targets, quantifying the level of harm caused by air pollution, designing and testing policies to reduce that harm, and informing the science which supports all of these. The networks are reviewed and refreshed regularly to ensure they remain fit for purpose against evolving needs and make the best use of available resources and technology.
The Clean Air Strategy recommended greater integration of the various monitoring networks and other publicly-funded measurements and a UK monitoring strategy is required to replace that set out in EU air quality directives. Defra therefore commissioned a strategic review of the monitoring networks and the options for redeveloping them in the light of current drivers. Here we present the results of that review.

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environment EPUK ETP STA Combustion Engineering Association Environment Protection Agency Natural Resources Wales Scottish Environment Protection Agency Renewable Energy Association SAQN IAQM UKAS