AQE SHOW 2024 - Air Quality & Gas Detection Conference Programme


Day 1 (9th October 2024) - Air Quality & Gas Detection Conference

Time Presentation Speaker Company
Session : Air Quality
10:00 Introduction and Welcome Jim Mills
Jim Mills
AQE Air Quality Conference Chairman
10:05 PAS 4023:2023 Selection, deployment and quality control of low-cost air quality sensor systems in outdoor ambient air – Code of practice Valerio	Ferracci
Valerio Ferracci
National Physical Laboratory
10:35 Update on the UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network Richard	Maggs
Richard Maggs
Bureau Veritas
10:55 [Krakow Case Study] Integrating Mobile Sensors with Existing Transportation Infrastructure Michał Misiek
Michał Misiek
11:15Coffee Break
11:45 Cellular Communications Network as a Sensor - Glasgow Project Outcomes Ilaria Thilbault
Ilaria Thilbault
12:05 Forth Environmental Resiliance Network (ERA) Amy McCarron
Dr Amy McCarron
Stirling University
12:25 Breathe London - Engaging Communities through air quality sensor networks Lee	Swanson
Lee Swanson
Clarity Movement Co
Session : Gas Detection
14:00 Introduction and Welcome John Saffell
John Saffell
14:05 Shared Experiences in Gas Detection - New Solutions For Old Problems Martin Willett
Martin Willett
Gas Analysis and Sensing Group (GASG)
14:25 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Can you adapt your gas detection systems to improve your emissions monitoring Megan Hine
Megan Hine
Draeger Safety UK
14:55 Continuous Monitoring of Air Quality in Road Tunnels Colin Edge
Colin Edge
Acoem Ltd
15:20 Gas detection in confined spaces - a Health & Safety Executive perspective Mike Hemingway
Mike Hemingway
15:45 Toxic Gas Detection for Water Treatment Works - Thames Water Case Study Vicky Banks
Vicky Banks
Emma Sheward
Emma Sheward
Badger Meter

Thames Water

Day 2 (10th October 2024) - Air Quality & Novel technologies Conference

Time Presentation Speaker Company
Session : Air Quality
10:00 Introduction and Welcome Michael Lunn
Michael Lunn
10:05 Novel determination of sources of pollution and trends in UK air quality Emma Braysher
Emma Braysher
National Physical Laboratory
10:35 Ionisation Technology Addressing odour compounds and gas phase contaminents Sam	Hantoosh
Sam Hantoosh
The Environment Agency
10:55 Application of inverse air quality modelling techniques to a sensor network in Glasgow Amy	Stidworthy
Amy Stidworthy
Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants
11:15Coffee Break
11:45 High-frequency air quality measurements at school gates during the morning drop off Marta O'Brian
Marta O'Brian
Reading University
12:05 Ingenious Project - Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in Homes Lia	Chatzidiakou
Lia Chatzidiakou
Cambridge University
12:25 AI-Driven Innovations in Air Quality and Gas Detection: Enhancing Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies Rajesh Kumar
Rajesh Kumar K V
Woxsen University
Session : Novel technologies
14:00 Introduction and Welcome Michael Lunn
Michael Lunn
14:05 Advancing Air Quality Sensor Systems: From Independent Evaluations to International Standards and Certifications Irene Lara Ibeas
Irene Lara Ibeas
Kunak Technologies
14:25 The next generation of Alphasense’s low-cost air quality sensors Ronan Baron
Ronan Baron
14:55 Field and Mobile Measurements of Air Toxics Using Thermal Desorption, Broadband Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Aurelie	Marcotte
Aurelie Marcotte
Entanglement Technologies, Inc
15:20 Multi-Scale Sensor Integration for Comprehensive Air Quality Management Miguel	Escribano
Miguel Escribano
Bettair Cities