AQE SHOW 2024 - Hydrogen and CCUS Conference Programme


Day 2 (10th October 2024) - Hydrogen and CCUS Conference

Time Presentation Speaker Company
09:30Conference Open
Session : Hydrogen Monitoring & Regulations
10:00 Regulation of Hydrogen Combustion: Emissions reporting and compliance assessment David Graham
David Graham
10:20 From Hydrocarbons to Hydrogen: What changes when it comes to gas and flame detection? Megan Hine
Megan Hine
Draeger Safety UK
10:40 Sensing, Foresight, Clairvoyance and Hydrogen Cat Gardner
Cat Gardner
ION Science Ltd
11:00Coffee break
Session : Monitoring Technologies
11:20 Hydrogen blending of Natural Gas : How to tackle the fast measuring Ben Goossens
Ben Goossens
11:40 Smart Sampling Solutions for demanding applications like SynGas Production Philipp Zimmel
Philipp Zimmel
JCT Group GmbH
13:30Poster session
Session : CCUS
14:00 Emissions Monitoring of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Processes - Challenges and Further research Richard Harvey
Richard Harvey
National Physical Laboratory
14:20 Carbon Capture and Storage requirements within the Emissions Trading Scheme David Graham
David Graham
14:40 Remote Measurements of Industrial CO2 Emissions Using a Ground-Based Differential Absorption Lidar in the 2 µm Wavelength Region Neil Howes
Neil Howes
National Physical Laboratory
15:00 Coffee Break
15:20 Panel Discussion