AQE SHOW 2024 - Emissions Conference Programme


Day 1 (9th October 2024) - Emissions Conference

Time Presentation Speaker Company
09:30Conference Open - Rod Robinson
Session : Regulations & Standards (Session Chair: Rod Robinson)
10:00 UK BAT Andrew Lyon Environment Agency (EA)
10:20 Update on emissions monitoring standards: CEN, ISO and MCERTS Rupert Standring
Rupert Standring
Environment Agency (EA)
10:40 Validation of Standards Marc Coleman
Marc Coleman
National Physical Laboratory
11:00Coffee Break
11:20 A history of stack-emission monitoring in the UK since 1990 Simon Medhurst
Simon Medhurst
Smedstack Environmental
11:40 Current developments in the field of suitability testing (QAL1) Fritz Hausberg
Fritz Hausberg
TÜV Rheinland Energy & Environment GmbH
13:30Poster Session
Session : Monitoring Challenges (Session Chair: Chris Dimopoulos)
14:00 P-AMS, the future of standardized quality control for CEMS Antony Sumner
Antony Sumner
Gasmet Technologies (UK) Ltd
14:20 Automate and document the QAL3 procedure Kenneth Vindum
Kenneth Vindum
Olicem A/S
14:40Monitoring Challenges
14:40 What’s in the air? Update on PFAS monitoring developments in Belgium Jelle Hofman
Jelle Hofman
15:00Coffee Break
15:20 Continuous monitoring of fine dust emissions: challenges and perspectives David Graham
David Graham

Rupert Standring
Rupert Standring

Environment Agency
15:40 PM2.5 emissions from Energy from Waste and natural gas fired plants Dan Jones
Dan Jones

Day 2 (10th October 2024) - Emissions Conference

Time Presentation Speaker Company
09:30Conference Open - Marc Coleman
Uncertainty and Measurement Performance (Session Chair: Marc Coleman)
10:00 Assessment of the uncertainty in reported data from CEMs under EN14181 Rod Robinson
Rod Robinson
National Physical Laboratory
10:20 Innovation in pure gas and mixtures packaging for laboratories and analysis market Simon James
Simon James
Air Liquide
10:40 Smart Sampling Solutions for demanding applications like SynGas Production Philipp Zimmel
Philipp Zimmel
JCT Group GmbH
11:00Coffee Break
11:20 Determination of TOC in stack through innovative FID analyser easy to carry Carlo Bruno
Carlo Bruno
Pollution Srl
11:40 Dispersion modelling of mercury emissions from stacks of cement plants employing coal as an alternative fuel Abdullah Mustafa
Abdullah Mustafa
Faculty of Environmental Researches and Studies
13:30Poster Session
Session : Odour
14:00 Ionisation Technology: Addressing Odour Compounds and Gas-Phase Contaminants Sam Hantoosh
Sam Hantoosh
Environment Agency (EA)
14:40 On line monitoring of odour unit (OU) emissions and odour sources identification by using a new generation of IOMS analysers around an animal feed production plant Jean-Christophe
Jean-Christophe Mifsud
15:00Coffee Break
15:20 Panel discussion