AQESHOW - Abstract

Register at AQESHOW 2024

Abstract Title: MIRO Analytical’s MGA10: A single device for greenhouse gas and air quality monitoring
Presenter Name: Dr Morten Hundt
Co-authors/Co-presenters:Dr Oleg Aseev
Company/Organisation: MIRO Analytical AG
Country: Switzerland

Abstract Information :

Monitoring of air pollutants and greenhouse gases with high precision and selectivity is important to identify their sources and sinks, develop reliable models to predict air quality and ultimately to combat air pollution and climate change. rnMIRO Analytical’s new trace gas analyzers are capable of monitoring up to 10 gases simultaneously. These analyzers use direct laser absorption spectroscopy and combine several Quantum Cascade Lasers as light sources. The analyzers provide highest precision combined with best selectivity thanks to their operation in the mid-infrared spectral range. By monitoring green-house gases (CH4, N2O, CO2) and air pollutants (NO, NO2, CO, NH3, SO2, O3) our analyzers can serve as an all-in-one solution for ambient air monitoring.rnDue to their compactness and low weight our analyzers are well-suited for mobile monitoring and fence line monitoring of industrial sites. The multi-compound ability opens new possibilities for emission source attribution and for studies of interactions of different trace gases. In this contribution we will shortly introduce the new MGA10 multi-compound gas analyzer and will present examples of mobile measurement campaigns that were recently performed by our customers.

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environment EPUK ETP STA Combustion Engineering Association Environment Protection Agency Natural Resources Wales Scottish Environment Protection Agency Renewable Energy Association SAQN IAQM UKAS