WWEM - Abstract

Register at WWEM 2024

Abstract Title: Latest approaches to PFAS analysis
Presenter Name: Mr Geraint Williams
Company/Organisation: ALS
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS are present as contaminants of concern on many sites and are extremely persistent, highly mobile and can bioaccumulate. They are increasingly considered a risk to human health and the environment. This webinar will focus on the analytical options available. rnrnPFAS present many challenges for laboratories. They are ubiquitous in the environment but detection limit requirements are very low. Polyfluorinated precursors can transform following release. The number of PFAS determined by conventional analyses are limited as analytical standards are not available for these compounds.rnrnThe presentation will review common analysis approaches used, as well as providing details of more advanced techniques including Total Oxidisable Precursor TOP Assay and Total Organic Fluorine TOF analysis. The webinar will also provide guidance on sampling, how to overcome the potential difficulties of cross-contamination at Environmental Quality Standards EQS limits and include details of QAQC requirements.rn

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