WWEM - Abstract

Register at WWEM 2024

Abstract Title: Developing standard approaches for Clamp-On Ultrasonic Metering within Potable Water Networks
Presenter Name: Mr Keith King
Company/Organisation: Anglian Water
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

With water companies under increasing pressure in AMP7 to reduce leakage on average by 17%, there has never been a more pressing need for flow visibility within the network, to increase flowmeter operability and coverage, at optimum total installed cost. Furthermore, AMP7 also requires water companies to reduce customer supply interruptions by 41%. In all probability, AMP8 will push requirements even further. Could there ever be a more appropriate case for installing clamp-on ultrasonic metering?

Whilst clamp-on technologies evidently lend themselves to installation without customer supply interruption, unfortunately, clamp-on metering has garnered a somewhat chequered reputation over the past three decades. Water companies need the real-world confidence that non-intrusive ultrasonic metering can really deliver what it claims.

In this presentation we will review the current state of the art for clamp-on ultrasonic metering development, and the journey Anglian Water took to thoroughly challenge, evaluate and develop best-use practice with ultrasonic clamp-on flow metering technology.

The presentation will review current ultrasonic flow metering capabilities, specifications, installation best practices, and achievable performance both in lab calibration environment and true achievable performance in the field environment. We will then review the wide-ranging applications that have been addressed using FLEXIM ultrasonic clamp-on metering across both clean and wastewater assets.

Anglian Water will then illustrate their own experience with specific application examples and go on to explain their own innovative development and adoption of cost-effective coffin chamber mounting solutions.

We will review cost-effective reassurance and verification of ongoing meter health and performance, using the unique FLEXIM AMV, Advanced Meter Verification function within the meters. This function confirms the level of meter deviation from original installed diagnostic setup conditions and verifies meter performance within acceptable diagnostic tolerances. It is believed this function may negate the requirement for periodic meter recalibration, thus saving further OPEX and measurement interruption.

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