WWEM - Abstract

Register at WWEM 2024

Abstract Title: A novel approach to monitoring algae and cyanobacteria blooms in drinking water sources
Presenter Name: Mr Justin Dunning
Company/Organisation: Chelsea Technologies Ltd
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) are photosynthetic unicellular organisms that can begin to grow rapidly, forming dense blooms. Some species of cyanobacteria can produce potent toxins or unpleasant taste and odour compounds. These toxins can be harmful to animals and humans, and taste and odour compounds can impact perceived water quality. Understanding the abundance and community composition of cyanobacteria in source water is important to water treatment plant operators so that they can effectively manage the treatment process and avoid any negative impacts that could result from these issues. rnrnLaboratory analysis of discrete water samples is usually employed for species identification and enumeration. However, these analyses typically have a long turnaround time (sometimes 2 to 5 days). It is also difficult to predict the likelihood of blooms occurring and advanced warning is important to plant operators to give them time to make decisions and optimise the treatment process. rnrnHere we present a novel instrument developed for monitoring algae and cyanobacteria primary productivity that has been demonstrated and proven in marine applications. Based on single turnover active fluorescence technology, LabSTAF can be used to track changes in community composition and can give advanced warning of potential cyanobacteria blooms. Additionally, primary productivity estimates derived from these measurements can give insight into how algae and cyanobacteria physiology respond to changing environmental conditions. rn

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