Methane Methane

* Abstract Submission Deadline: 11th March 2022

The Industrial Methane Measurement Conference 2022 will put a spotlight onto industry requirements in an increasingly regulated post 'Paris Agreement' world. Leading experts will discuss latest field studies and policy developments alongside showcasing cutting edge methods and novel technologies for monitoring fugitive methane emissions including leak detection, identification and quantification as well as long term monitoring.

* All fields are mandatory

1). Presenter & Co-author Details


Co-author 1


Co-author 2


Co-author 3


Co-author 4


Co-author 5


Co-author 6


Co-author 7


Co-author 8


Co-author 9


Co-author 10


2) Abstract Title & Session Choice Details


3) Enter brief description about your presentation

* We suggest abstract presdentation length should be under 500 words

Further Help

If you need further help submitting an abstract or if you have any technical difficulties please email or call us on +44(0)1727 858840

If you are interested in exhibiting, you can find more information here

Supporting Partners and Associations

ASTM International concawe RIC petro chemicals europe Petro Industry News BMTA Royal Society of Chemistry Eurolab CPACT hazardex kvcv laborama