I recommend the next event for people interested in latest lab technology.

Refaat Akoum - Zahrani Oil Installations

I would recommend PEFTEC to people wanting to get in contact with a variety of companies dealing with the oil & gas business

Efstratios Paris - ENAVSIS Trade & Energy Ltd

Time at Peftec is well spent!

Marc Van Hout - Borealis Polymers nv

Very nice conference with a good combination of vendors and seminars

Pascal Pijcke - Dow Chemical

The focus was clearly on the refinery sector, which allowed us to see how the various technology providers are addressing the challenges from the new regulations for this sector. Examples of applications were illustrated in the booths. Good conferences as well.

Petroula Kangas - ExxonMobil Chemical Europe

My team delivers analytical services to production facilities, so PEFTEC provided a great opportunity to see all of the available measurement technologies in one place. I attended both days of the event, selecting several of the seminars and visiting the exhibition, all of which I found very useful.

Ivo Dijs - International Oil Company

A great event combining a conference with high quality industry relevant technical content and an exhibition of industry focussed technology suppliers. Great to have all the vendors focussed on the Petchem industry which led to very productive discussions.

Tom Lynch - BP

New generation instruments, good presentation of companies , good coordination ,good services, were the nice indicators in peftec. PERFECT!

Esmaeil Yekta - YEKTA oil & gas

Process analyzers were very well represented

Ward Brullot - BASF Antwerpen

Dedicated to Petro

Manu Vanneste - Independent Belgian Refinery

Conference is excellent for researchers and students. I recommend it to others.

Hosen Jawan - University of Elmergib

I highly recommend to visit

Hakim Bouanane - Kema-Proser

My first but not my last visit to PEFTEC.

Anthony Harrison - CE Instruments Ltd

This is a must attend event for Analytical industry

Ashish Pendse - SSP Fittings Corp

I found the meeting interesting. The scientific program was very well organised. The show was focused, which made it very efficient. So it's a very worthwhile event to visit. Also the location was well chosen. In conclusion I recommend that the event should continue as it is.

Ralf Zimmermann - University of Rostock

In my opinion the event was well organised and dimensioned, both with regard to the exhibition and the seminars. In my case, the conference programme on analytical techniques was a well oriented, expert forum to meet people from petroleum and chromatography worlds with complementary skills.

Dr. Vicente L. Cebolla - CSIC, Instituto de Carboquímica

A good opportunity to meet all major companies in the analytical sector. All major companies in the analytical business were present

Thomas Weiland - Ratiolab

As an American company manufacturing petroleum testing instruments in New York, it was a unique opportunity for our company to get to visit with a wide range of customers, and contacts in what I would call, the ' Gulf coast of Europe ', essentially a concentration of refineries and chemical plants ( read potential customers ) in a 200 km radius. PEFTEC gave us the ability to connect with all of these folks, avail of the opportunity to learn from the various experts who presented papers, while enjoying some wonderful Belgium beers. Congratulations to the organizers and I am certain this is one of many wonderful PEFTEC meetings to come

Dr. Raj Shah - Koehler Instrument Company

A must see event for anybody involved in Petro Technologies

Filip Timmermans - RIC

A professional show! Perfect!

Bryan Mayné - LBT Testing & Calibration

Well organized

Marc Proot - SGS Belgium NV

Efficient conference for petroleum analysis. Nice combination of conference speakers and exhibitor

Roel Moonen - Avantium

Find what you need right here, A good and wide range of exhibitors

Allan Finlay - Specac Ltd

Ideally suited to those solely focussed in the Petrochemical analysis market

Graham Johnson - Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd

It is a good event to gain your references and knowledge with many interesting topics you can join

Sito Resmi - Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Keep doing like this and even bigger

Yasna Schifferli - HD Group

PEFTEC is an excellent use of two days with a great mix of expert technical content and accessibility to key vendors. The location was central to much of the petro and chemical industries in Northern Europe. Atmosphere was friendly and courteous. Good mix of vendors and seminars.

Brian Rohrback - Infometrix, Inc.

The future of petroleum and environmental monitoring technologies. The speakers, topics of discussion and exhibition. It's quite fantastic.

Nuhu Dauda - Federal Inland Revenue Service

International, good atmosphere, well organized

Muriel Hemelaers - Lab Support

High representation of process analysis concentrated on a small place.

Bart De Wit - Umicore

Good focused range of exhibitors

Chris Lawrenson - Coda Communications

Compact, Good Conference, Focused area of interest

Frank Ten Hoonte - Avantium

Good management and excellent arrangement

Ksenya Mjachina - Institute of steppe Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences



Great conference speakers

Mette Kristensen - University of Copenhagen

If you are interested in exhibiting, you can find more information here

Supporting Partners and Associations

ASTM International concawe RIC petro chemicals europe Petro Industry News BMTA Royal Society of Chemistry Eurolab CPACT hazardex kvcv laborama