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ICMGP 2022 – On-Demand / Poster Presentation

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Abstract Title: Mercury Distribution in Sermilik Fjord, Southeast Greenland
Presenter Name: Margaret Lindeman
Company/Institution: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Session: Mercury in Polar Ecosystems
Co-Authors: Margaret Lindeman,Hannah Adams,Monica Nelson,Amina Schartup,Fiamma Straneo

Abstract Information :

Meltwater input from Greenland?s marine-terminating glaciers drives upwelling of nutrient-rich deep ocean waters, leading to high productivity in glacially-modified fjord waters. A recent study found elevated levels of mercury in surface waters downstream of land-terminating glaciers in southwest Greenland, suggesting meltwater is enriched in mercury. However, in an August 2021 survey of a large glacial fjord in southeast Greenland, we found that glacially-modified waters have lower mercury (~0.2-0.5 pM) than Atlantic Water (~0.5-0.9 pM) found at depth in the fjord and on the continental shelf. In the surface waters, which have the highest concentration of meltwater, there is a strong along-fjord gradient in mercury concentration with the highest values found near the mouth, and a positive correlation between mercury concentration and salinity. Our results suggest that glacial meltwaters in this region are low in mercury relative to oceanic concentrations.

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