Climate change, mercury pollution, and global ecology

Environmental Pollution - Special Issue Collection (digital)

Guest Editors: Michael S. Bank1, 2, Zoyne Pedrero-Zayas3, Baohua Gu4,5, Milena Horvat6, Vernon Somerset7, and Lynwill Martin8

  1. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
  2. University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA
  3. University of Pau / CNRS, Pau, France
  4. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
  5. Dept. Biosystems Eng. Soil Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
  6. Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  7. Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa
  8. South African Weather Service, Pretoria, South Africa

Special Issue Profile and Dates

Open: 15 September 2022

Submission Deadline: 01 March 2023

This will be an open call and in support of papers from the following conferences:

Accepted manuscripts will be published in real-time and then gathered into an online collection (i.e., a virtual special issue) for Environmental Pollution.

Mercury pollution has been identified as a significant environmental and public health issue, with growing interest in how climate change, global ecology, and anthropogenic factors impact cycling of this ubiquitous pollutant. Global environmental change is a dominant driver of ecosystem processes influencing contaminant pathways, such as how mercury is transformed and transported within and among ecosystem compartments and reservoirs. For this special issue, a wide array of topics will be considered, and case studies, reviews, and other synthetic efforts are all acceptable within the following research areas: ocean and atmospheric flux and processes, stable isotope dynamics, biogeochemistry, microbiology and genomics, methylation and demethylation, aquatic and terrestrial fate and transport, bioaccumulation, speciation, and toxicokinetics. Pertinent data science, modeling, ecotoxicology, analytical chemistry, human health, and food web studies are also welcome. Papers that are processed based, with clear testable hypotheses and/or a priori predictions and that are broadly related to the theme of global environmental change will be prioritized for this special collection.