AQESHOW - Abstract

AQESHOW 2022 Conference Programme
Register at AQESHOW 2022

Abstract Title: Cartagena: A Digital Twin for Environmental Quality and Sustainability
Presenter Name: Mr John David Babyack
Company/Organisation: Libelium
Country: Spain

Abstract Information :

In an era of prioritizing sustainability, Cartagena emerges as a leader in environmental stewardship, embracing innovative solutions to foster sustainable urban living. This transformation is powered by its collaboration with Libelium, a company at the forefront of smart technology, guiding Cartagena towards setting new benchmarks in environmental quality management and sustainable urban development. Confronted with challenges posed by climate change and urban quality of life, Cartagena has focused on combating air and noise pollution and promoting efficient resource management. The city aims to enhance environmental quality, ensure public health, and align with European sustainability standards, while preserving its rich cultural heritage. To address these challenges, Cartagena has implemented a Smart City initiative in partnership with Libelium, leveraging IoT, AI, and FIWARE technologies. This initiative supports real-time monitoring of environmental conditions and utilizes AI for data analysis, enabling informed decision-making to mitigate and prevent environmental issues. A groundbreaking aspect of Cartagena's approach is the development of a digital twin for environmental quality. This digital twin, powered by Envair360 software, models air quality scenarios by integrating data from IoT sensors and other sources. It simulates the dispersion of pollutants, identifies pollution hotspots, and assesses the impact of Low Emission Zones (LEZ) on urban mobility and air quality. This innovative tool exemplifies how digital twins can revolutionize urban planning, offering precise insights for the design and management of sustainable cities. Cartagena's commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, its adoption of a data-driven governance model ('datacracy'), and the creation of sustainable infrastructures demonstrate a holistic approach to environmental and urban management. The city's efforts showcase the effectiveness of combining technology and strategic planning in combating climate change, making Cartagena a beacon of sustainability and innovation for cities worldwide.

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Supporting Partners and Associations

environment EPUK ETP STA Combustion Engineering Association Environment Protection Agency Natural Resources Wales Scottish Environment Protection Agency Renewable Energy Association The Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) SAQN IAQM UKAS