SinS - Abstract

Abstract Title: Enhancing retention control in temperature-responsive liquid chromatography (TRLC)
Presenter Name: Mr Adriaan Ampe
Co-authors:Prof Frederic Lynen
Company/Organisation: Ghent University
Country: Belgium

Abstract Information :

Temperature-responsive liquid chromatography (TRLC) allows obtaining large changes in chromatographic retention through modifications in column temperature only. This is achieved through the anchoring of stimuli-responsive polymers into the stationary phase. This allows the stationary phase to change its surface behaviour from hydrophilic at low temperature to hydrophobic at high temperature, resulting in significant changes in retentive behaviour, removing the need for organic solvents and therefore allowing analyses to be performed under purely aqueous conditions.[1] It has been proven that this retention control can be influenced further by the introduction of organic solvents into the stationary phase, in addition to changing temperature. [2] Application of mixed solvents in the mobile phase for TRLC allows for elution of more hydrophobic analytes, as well as improving the plate counts of the column. As the reversible change in polymer behaviour for the stimuli-responsive polymers is fully dependant on thermodynamic parameters, it is likely that changes in pressure or pressure drops after the column could allow for changing the selectivity or efficiency of the stationary phase. Therefore, both the effect of changing mobile phase composition as well as pressure change is investigated. Literature: [1] M. Baert et al., Implementations of temperature gradients in temperature-responsive liquid chromatography., J. Chromatogr. A., 2021, vol. 1654, 462425 [2] A. Ampe et al., Investigation of the potential of mixed solvent mobile phases in temperature-responsive liquid chromatography (TRLC)