CEM India CEM India

CEM India - Abstract

CEM India

CEM India

Abstract Title: What are the best sampling techniques for the analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in air using thermal desorption?
Session Choice: Manual pollution monitoring, technological innovations and experiences
Presenter Name: Dr Kiran Piduru
Company/Organisation: Markes International
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

What are the best sampling techniques for the analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in air using thermal desorption? Dr. Kiran Piduru, Dr. Hannah Calder Markes International, Central Park, 1000B, Western Ave, Bridgend CF31 3RT, United Kingdom Growing concerns over the harmful effects of exposure to low levels of hazardous air pollutants have led to increasingly demanding volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring programs worldwide, regulations are evolving and requiring laboratories to monitor more compounds, more frequently and to detect ever-lower levels in ambient air. In India experts are also looking at updating and enhancing the countries standard methods for VOC monitoring. The classes of compound contributing to ‘air pollution’ are varied and each set provides a unique challenge for atmospheric monitoring. Thermal desorption coupled to gas chromatography provides a simple, robust, solvent and cryogen-free solution to address the growing concerns over the harmful effects of exposure to low levels of hazardous air pollutants. Monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a key aspect of air quality management, and it's commendable that efforts are being made worldwide, including in India, to update and enhance monitoring programs. The use of thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography is a significant advancement and offers several advantages for routine monitoring of air pollutants: • Simplicity and Robustness: Thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography provides a straightforward and robust method for analyzing air samples. It simplifies the process, making it suitable for routine monitoring. • Solvent and Cryogen-Free Solution: The method's solvent and cryogen-free nature is environmentally friendly and cost-effective. This aspect is important for sustainability and aligns with global efforts to adopt greener analytical techniques. • High Sensitivity: Gas chromatography is known for its high sensitivity, allowing for the detection of low concentrations of VOCs. This is particularly relevant given the increasing demand to detect ever-lower levels of pollutants in ambient air. • Versatility: The versatility of gas chromatography makes it suitable for analyzing a wide range of compounds, addressing the varied classes of compounds contributing to air pollution. This flexibility is essential for comprehensive air quality monitoring. • Compliance with Evolving Regulations: As regulations evolve and become more demanding, analytical techniques like thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography can adapt to meet the changing requirements. This adaptability is crucial for laboratories to stay in compliance with standards.