CEM India CEM India

CEM India - Abstract

CEM India

CEM India

Abstract Title: Trace elemental analysis of water from ion exchange and high purity millipore water systems using ICP-OES
Session Choice: Continuous Emission Monitoring
Presenter Name: Mrs Renuka Sankhe
Company/Organisation: BARC
Country: India

Abstract Information :

Key words: ICP-OES, Ion exchange, High purity Millipore water, Elemental analysis, Water chemistry Drinking and de-mineralized water is purified by several methods. Demineralization is the process of removing minerals from water by using ion exchange process. Large quantity of de-mineralized water is required as process water in various R&D experimental facilities utilized for nuclear research applications. The substantial reduction of corrosion of piping materials is one of the major objectives of using de-mineralized process water. The water used for facility scale level before purification is either river water or dam water having conductivity of the order of 70-80 µS/cm which after ion exchange process becomesalmost 1-2 µS/cm. In high purity Millipore water system the conductivity after purification is less than 0.5 µS/cm. The paper describes the trace elemental analysis of water obtained after ion exchange and high purity Millipore water system using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)which is one of the well-establishedtechniques. In this paper,twenty five elements has beenanalyzed in water samples before and after purification using ion exchange process and the results are compared with Millipore water.Purification processes thus results in good quality of water. The database collected after performing laboratory analysis can help to characterize and determine the potential of our water utility management.