CEM India CEM India

CEM India - Abstract

CEM India

CEM India

Abstract Title: Hot-wet extractive multi-laser tunable laser analyzer for sumultaneous monitoring of NO, NO2, SO2, H2O and O2
Session Choice: Gaseous CEMS: technology suitability, operation and maintenance including NOx, SO2, CO and CO2
Presenter Name: Dr Pawel Kluczynski
Company/Organisation: Airoptic Sp. z o.o.
Country: Poland

Abstract Information :

In this paper we present a first application of hot wet multi-laser extractive tunable laser analyzer for detection of NOx, SO2, H2O and O2 in stack CEM application. Analyzer is based on the multi-laser Airoptic's platform equipped with a hot wet multi pass cell heated at 200 degC enablig fast, accurate and selective determination of NO, NO2, SO2, H2O , and O2 content without a need to use a complex sample conditioning system and gas coolers. The analyzer is equipped with built in reference cuvette for auto-calibration as well as auto-validation function enabling automatic daily span and zero gas checks using external gas cyliders. Thanks to built-in autocalibration feature the analyzer require very little maintenance in the field. Integration of up to eight separate lasers sources is possible in one unit. With ambient temperature ratings between -30 - +60degC as well as IP66 enclosure allow to deploy the analyzer in harsh environment without a need for a separate shelter.