Abstract Title: | Effective use of LDO fired boiler flue gas in carbonation of process liquor at alkali leaching based Tummalapalle Mill |
Session Choice: | Industry Case Studies |
Presenter Name: | Mr VIPIN KUMAR SHARMA |
Country: | India |
Abstract Information :
ABSTRACT: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major greenhouse gas (GHG), into the atmosphere, and there is strong evidence that the buildup of GHGs is the primary cause of the global warming that has occurred in recent decades. CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has risen about 43% since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the mid-eighteenth century—half of that since 1980. Tummalapalle project is alkali leaching based low grade uranium ore mining and milling project of India. Leaching of ground ore (80% passing, 74 micron particles -200 mesh) takes place by addition of sodium carbonate and oxygen. Boiler House is one of the important sections of Tummalapalle Mill for generation of steam which is used in various sections ex; SDU precipitation, counter wash and sustaining cake wash temperature in leach filters, redissolution of SDU cake in CPL and for initialization of chemical reactions inside autoclave. Total three boilers of capacity 15MT each are present at Tummalapalle Mill out of which two are in line and one is in standby condition. Boilers are oil fired and maximum 863 kg/hr light diesel oil can be fueled for each burner. Air pre heater is installed for each boiler in which boiler exhaust flue gases are used for preheating of air for burning of boiler fuel. After preheating, flue gas is released out to atmosphere via stack. Several experiments were conducted for carbonation of liquor by flue gas and satisfactory results achieved on initial stage. KEYWORDS: Flue Gas, Carbon dioxide, Boiler House, Tummalapalle Mill, Uranium Corporation of India Limited, Caustic Lye, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate. NOMENCLATURE: SSR – Sodium Sulfate Recovery Unit, CPCB – Central Pollution Control Board, MoEF – Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, LDO – Light Diesel Oil, DG – Diesel Generator, SDU – Sodium Diuranate, ID – Induced Draught, TSS - Total Suspended Solid, TDS - Total Dissolved Solid, CPL – Clarified Pregnant Liquor, OSHAS - Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series, ISO - International Organization for Standardization, BDL – Below Detection Limit, DL – Detection Limit, APH – Air Pre Heater, IBR – Indian Boiler Regulation.