CEM India CEM India

CEM India - Abstract

CEM India

CEM India

Abstract Title: Calibration options for gas detection systems
Session Choice: Calibration and Quality Control
Presenter Name: Dr Krishna Narain
Co-authors:Mr JIM AYRES
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

A growing understanding of the dangers of human exposure to many industrial gases has continued to drive the requirements of gas detection systems. Expanded networks with growing sophistication and sensitivity require advanced training and tools for the calibration and service technicians who are charged with maintaining and ensuring the safety of your facility. In today's world, these individuals are often called on to calibrate and maintain systems from multiple manufacturers detecting multiple gases at multiple locations throughout the facility. These requirements along with the continued lowering of detection levels have resulted in a challenge to those providing calibration gas standards.

There are a number of requirements, in providing gas detection maintenance professionals, with ideal calibration gas standards for industry. This paper will attempt to review those requirements and the advantages that calibration gas generators provide in meeting them.

The ideal calibration gas standard cannot be defined without an understanding of the requirements and limitations of the various detection technologies. In addition, the requirements of the service technician and an understanding of their challenges must also be reviewed. Finally, calibration costs both to the company and to the environment must also be reviewed. We will review these aspects in this paper to best understand and define the ideal calibration gas sources.

The primary advantages of generating calibration gas are the ability to provide extremely accurate and reliable concentrations without degradation on the shelf, adjustable concentration and flow, small size and ergonomic design, low cost and non-hazardous transport, in addition to providing the ability to provide many different gases with a single instrument. We will investigate these advantages and how they mirror the requirements of the modern-day calibration professional. In essence, this paper will attempt to unveil the future of gas detection calibration standards.