SinS - Abstract

Abstract Title: From Helium to Hydrogen, a cost effective way to improve your lab’s green credentials
Presenter Name: Mr Alan Griffiths
Company/Organisation: LECO
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Despite Helium being the second most abundant element in the Universe, it is not readily available to us. In preparing Helium for a lab, it is captured along with Natural Gas, a fossil fuel, refined using energy typically provided by burning fossil fuels, stored, and then transported. Transportation to the UK is via ships fuelled with diesel and usually over ground in diesel trucks. Hydrogen on the other hand can be easily generated in your lab with a little electricity. This talk will discuss the origins of Helium and of the current supply crisis and go through the process of converting a lab form Helium to Hydrogen, using GC-MS carrier gas as an example. The presentation will cover a wide range of interesting subjects including the origins of the Universe, the Hindenberg Airship disaster and copper embrittlement.