SinS - Abstract

Abstract Title: Developing high-throughput solutions in clinical and forensic analysis with the ever-present need for separation
Presenter Name: Dr Lewis Couchman
Company/Organisation: Analytical Services International Ltd
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Producing results rapidly in clinical and forensic application is useful for many reasons. Reducing turnaround times can have direct clinical benefit for results on which treatment decisions are made. In addition, maximizing instrument time can have significant operational benefits across laboratories in many sectors. For some applications, isobaric species are unavoidable and can affect interpretation of results. For others, separation of matrix components is a must to ensure sensitivity and robust analysis for variable samples. LC-MS methods can be achieved in as little as 30 seconds, but there are a number of analytical parameters that must be considered to permit such rapid analysis. This work will review the requirement for separation in such applications, and consider rapid LC separations to-date.