SinS - Abstract

Abstract Title: Building a global culture of sustainability in science 
Presenter Name: Dr Pernilla Sorme
Company/Organisation: My Green Lab
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Historically, the ends have justified the means when it comes to laboratory research, but this is rapidly changing. Recent years have seen the emergence of a laboratory sustainability movement around the world. But bringing sustainability into the laboratory environment is challenging – after all laboratories are highly specialised spaces that require specialised buildings, equipment and even personnel. Additionally, no two labs are identical – they have unique protocols, cultures, and challenges such that sustainability solutions that work for one lab, might not work for another. Success have been seen when frameworks address laboratory sustainability holistically by encouraging scientists and technicians to reduce energy, water, waste, and hazardous chemical use. One of the most important aspects is to focus on changes that scientists and technicians have the power to make, to enable endured and long-lasting effects. This talk will cover some of these changes to empower an environmental impact and creating a holistic sustainability program for the labs.