India introduces new Guidelines for pollution monitoring systems 

Three years after mandating a continuous pollution monitoring in major industries, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has released guidelines for implementing this.

The guidelines for a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) state how suitable monitors will be selected, installed, operated and meet compliance requirement. CEMS intends to improve environment compliance enforcement system in India. Similar systems have been successful in Britain, Germany and USA and are being replicated by India and China.

What the guidelines entail   

Implementation is key

Regulators must use the guidelines to assess the current status of implementation and draw a plan for course correction. But smart systems demand smart hands to operate, so skill building for all involved parties should be the next step to ensure implementation.

Speakers  from CPCB , India’s Ministry of Environment, CSE, FICCI and VIP guests from Europe and the USA will be presenting these new Indian policies and strategies hi at the end of September in Delhi at the  CEM India Conference and exhibition. Process operators who emit emissions from their plant or process are encouraged to attend this important event.