PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: Pressurized On-Line Liquid Injection System (OLIS) for GC Instrumentation
Abstract Type: Seminar
Session Choice: Online & Process Monitoring
Presenter Name: Mr Ronan Cozic
Company/Organisation: SRA Instruments
Country: France

Abstract Information :

Process control is a major challenge for chemical and petrochemical industries and also in the field of energy to ensure product quality, cost control, productivity and risk control. Direct analysis at the heart of process is essential, but compared to laboratory analysis the market still suffers from a lack of analytical technologies. Despite current solutions already on the market, problems of immediate vaporization and discrimination are encountered when complex mixtures are analyzed. To answer this need, an on-line liquid injection valve has been developed to allow monitoring at high pressure of process plants without any sampling. The heated injection device uses a piston with a micro machined groove at its lower extremity, designed to contain the pressurized sample up to 80 bar. The volume of liquid (typically 0.3µL) will be vaporized during the injection step thanks to the very fast and very powerful heating of the groove. The valve could be mounted on top of any chromatograph injector allowing a plug and play installation without any real modification of the system. The electric actuation of the valve mades injections more repeatable and allow a new level of security. In this presentation, design and performances of the valve are presented and compared to laboratory injection in GC: syringe injection with an automatic liquid sampler (ALS).