Abstract Title: | Making the most of gas leak detection data with new interconnected monitoring solutions for enhanced safety and increased efficiency |
Abstract Type: | Oral |
Session Choice: | Combining data from multiple sources to deliver new insight |
Presenter Name: | Mr Alan VIDAL |
Company/Organisation: | GAZOMAT |
Country: | France |
Abstract Information :
When it comes to energy security, safety regulations and operational efficiency, emissions monitoring and gas infrastructure surveying have strategic importance to the oil and gas industry. But how reliable is the measurement data? Or is the data accessible and used to its full potential to make improved decisions in the leak remediation process?
Both questions are more acute than ever in the oil and gas industry where the approach to leak data collection and processing varies considerably. A number of gas operators have already taken steps to adopt the new technologies available, whilst others are still recording readings on paper, increasing the possibility of re-transcription errors.
Gas emissions monitoring and gas network surveying are part of the Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) philosophy. A LDAR program is based on identifying components, leak definition, monitoring components, repairing components and recordkeeping. Obviously, the challenge for gas and oil operators is great. But a number of smart solutions are now available that take advantage of latest advances in gas measurement and communication technologies.
GAZOMAT, with more than 25 years experience of manufacturing in gas leak detection and gas monitoring, has just developed a fully integrated remote emissions monitoring system that combines :
- Optical detection technology (TDLAS) gas analysers offering all the advantages of laser spectroscopy detection - methane selectivity, no false signals from other hydrocarbons, very quick response, stable and reliable measurements, for use indoors and outdoors, suited for remote leak surveying of difficult-to-access installations.
- Wireless communication. Detectors can communicate wirelessly with the latest portable data collection devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptop PCs) via Bluetooth or wireless cellular network connection.
- Dedicated survey software and applications for use with field data collection devices (mobiles) with GPS/GNSS navigation systems and mapping functions, ensuring real-time visibility on detection activity, full survey traceability and gas leak pinpointing quality.
This enterprise platform helps identify and track all data related to methane and VOC leak detection using GAZOMAT's stationary and portable detection equipment as well as its field survey software solutions.
Web-based with direct access using a web browser, the system is flexible, fast and reliable.
It ensures accurate data collection, secure data transfer and storage, rapid data access and reporting, all the time, everywhere, for immediate leak remediation decision-making on the basis of dependable, up-to-date measurement data.
Thanks to the interconnectivity of all systems, it is possible to manage hundreds of leak detection and monitoring systems, running simultaneously in several different locations and hundreds or thousands of users interfacing with the information.
Adopting and implementing interconnected solutions integrated with the latest communication technologies offer vast possibilities in terms of measurement, data collection, data transfer, data processing and more importantly, data integrity.
The shift to connected gas monitoring solutions means a thorough assessment of the organization's requirements in measurement readings, data recording, analysis, storage and communications. The step will greatly improve monitoring workflows and activities and help the organization reach its goals of enhanced safety and increased operational efficiency through leak data integrity and seamless data processing within a global monitoring system.