PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: An Evaluation of the Bearing Failures in Electric Vehicles
Abstract Type: Poster
Session Choice: Other
Presenter Name: Dr Raj Shah
Co-authors:Mr Andrew Kim
Mr Stanley Zhang
Company/Organisation: Koehler Instrument Company, Inc.
Country: United States

Abstract Information :

In electric vehicles, inverter control systems can cause electromagnetic and electrostatic effects on the engine, which can then result in engine malfunctions or total engine failure. The most common type of these electrical failures are shaft voltages and bearing currents. Shaft voltages occur due to leakage, induction, or capacitive coupling on the windings of the motor, while induced voltages can occur when there are high enough voltages applied to motor shaft causing lubrication fatigue and mechanical wear. In recent years, electrical failures in bearings have been frequent and has been a main contributor for shortening the lifetime of electric-based powered vehicles. This poster will provide an overview of the bearing failures that occur in mechanical systems within an electric vehicle due to exposure to an electrical environment. The flaws associated with the current research and the future solutions to bearing failures in electrical vehicles will be discussed.