CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Estimation of Exhaust and Non-exhaust PM Emissions share from on-Road vehicles in Addis Ababa City
Presenter Name: Mr jida solomon Neway
Co-authors:Prof Hetet Jean-François
Prof CHESSE Pascal
Company/Organisation: Ecole centrale Nantes
Country: France

Abstract Information :

Vehicular emission is the main source of air pollution in the urban environment. This includes both fine and coarse particulate matters. However, PM emissions from road vehicles are the cumulative result of vehicle exhaust and non-exhaust sources. The main goal of this study is to estimate the share of Exhaust and Non-exhaust PM Emissions in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. To calculate its share, I used two methods; the exhaust-tailpipe PM emissions were calculated using road transport EMEP/EEA Tier II, the non-exhaust emissions were calculated using EMEP/EEA Tier I for automobile tire, brake and road surface wear. The calculated result shows that, from the total transport-related particulate matter emissions share in the city, 63 percent is released from exhaust emission and 37 percent were from non-exhaust emission sources. It estimates the annual road transport exhaust emission share to be 2394 tons/year from all vehicle categories. However, annual non-exhaust emissions share of tire and brake wear was responsible for 65 percent, whereas the road-surface wear is responsible for around 35 percent of non-exhaust emissions. Tire and brake wear was responsible for an annual 584.8 tons of PM10 and 314.4 tons of PM2.5 emissions in the Addis Ababa city, while surface wear emissions were responsible for around 313.7 tons of PM10 and 169.9 tons of PM2.5 emissions in the city. This suggests that non-exhaust sources might be as significant as exhaust sources and have a considerable contribution to the impact on air quality.