CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Choosing the right tool from the ISO 6145 norm for gas analysers calibration
Presenter Name: Mr Georges Schmidt
Company/Organisation: LNI Swissgas
Country: Switzerland

Abstract Information :

What is the best gas analyser calibration tool: gas cylinders, devices with Mass Flow Controllers, sonic nozzle, permeation tubes or others?

In CEM applications, like in other fields, calibration of gas analysers is an important operation to follow directives and procedures in place in order to provide trusted measurement data.

Gas cylinders may be a solution of choice, the ISO 6145 provide a set of calibration tools called:" Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods".

These tools are a good alternative or complement to the use of gas cylinders. The goal of the presentation is to remember some basic metrology rules and requirements, to identify methods described by the norm, present benefits and limitations of each of them and identify criteria's to choose the most suitable method for typical CEM applications.