PEFTEC 2017 - Exhibitor - SRA Instruments

SRA Instruments: Specialist in custom gaschromatography.
With over 30 years of experience in the field of gas chromatography and micro gaschromatography analysis, SRA Instruments has developed a highly competitive know-how to achieve dedicated solutions to meet analytical needs of Industry, Research and Environment.
Premier Solution Partner of Agilent Technologies, SRA Instruments is specialized in design, manufacture and integration of laboratory and on-line analyzers in the field of energy & petrochemical applications.
Are parts of SRA Instruments expertise the turn-key solution based on:
- Conventional GC and process MicroGC analyzers with related specific software to provide fully automated gas or liquid analysis
- Dedicated software and GC accessories for handling sampling systems, automation, alarms management, results transfer to fully integrate the analyzer in the laboratory/plant context.


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Products on Display at PEFTEC

Micro gas-chromatographs for on-line applications, rack 19”and ATEX series
SOPRANE II Software for microGC Multi-platform
PROCHEM supervisor software for on line event control in conventional GC application
OLIS: Automatic GC injector for on-line and pressurized hydrocarbon liquids
Sampling systems for GC and u-GC

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