PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: The necessity of a technical toolbox for process analyzers
Abstract Type: Poster
Session Choice: Chemometric applications in big data analysis Digitalization
Presenter Name: Mr Wolter Last
Company/Organisation: Hint
Country: Netherlands

Abstract Information :

Because of the lockdowns worldwide, the way of working must change to ensure plant production continuity. Information must become available outside the plant networks to allow employees to perform their jobs while not being at the plants. Moving the data from the plant level to the cloud environment reduces the need to be onsite. Therefore, a smaller group of people can service the equipment in the field while others can investigate problems, check key performance indicators, or adjust maintenance schedules from home or the office. By getting more insight into the plants processes, companies can increase the reliability of their systems and reduce maintenance costs. By slowly expanding the analysis and models of the equipment, companies can automate parts of the maintenance routine and create indications of incoming failures. By building it up gradually, previous experiences can be collected as lessons learned and used to spot the problem before it happens again, as well as use these lessons from one piece of equipment and apply them to all the other equipment that shares functionality. With a digital toolbox, it is possible to provide more insight remotely into equipment, and integrate functionality like events, alarms, key performance indicators, statistical process control, inventory management, automated maintenance schedules, flexible reporting, simple user interface, and advanced diagnostics. The toolbox comprises the delivery and implementation of a cloud system with a mobile application and the configuration of X number of analyzers. rnrnIn essence, with the toolbox developed for technicians, engineers, operators, and managers it is possible to monitor, evaluate, and improve the performance of on- and off-line analyzers in a cost-effective manner. The toolbox collects data from analyzer systems through data historians, interprets analyzer performance and provides guidance for maintenance decisions.rnrn