PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: Quantification of Trace Elements in Naphtha by ICP-OES
Abstract Type: Oral
Session Choice: Molecular and Elemental Spectrosopy
Presenter Name: Dr Sebastian Wuenscher
Co-authors:Dr Margrit Killenberg
Dr Sandro Spiller
Dr Rene Chemnitzer
Company/Organisation: Analytik Jena
Country: Germany

Abstract Information :

Volatile organics like naphtha are amongst the most challenging samples to be analyzed by ICP techniques. Wealth of emission lines originating from the organic matrix and high volatility demonstrate challenges for ICP-OES analyzers. A robust plasma as well as an optical system with high spectral resolution are required in order to routinely quantify trace elements in the low µg/kg range.

For specification analysis in the low µg/kg range ICP-MS often is the method of choice as conventional ICP-OES instruments lack sensitivity due to sample dilution and spectral interferences. On the PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 Elite, the combination of the vertical plasma geometry of its V Shuttle Torch and the unique plasma performance of its High-Frequency generator allow for the uninterrupted and direct routine analysis of undiluted naphtha with excellent method robustness.

Apart from instrumental conditions, sample preparation, calibration strategy and sample introduction play a major role in the analysis of volatile organic matrices. The here presented work describes different calibration strategies as well as the use of different sample introduction systems in order to achieve lowest limits of detection in naphtha in a routine measurement.