PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: ASTM D5453 - Total Sulfur Determination and Long Term Stability for the Tier 3 and Euro 5 compliance
Abstract Type: Poster
Session Choice: Molecular and Elemental Spectrosopy
Presenter Name: Dr Stefan Jezierski
Co-authors:Dr Angela Groebel
Mrs Katharina Vlach
Company/Organisation: Analytik Jena AG
Country: Germany

Abstract Information :

With the 2017 installed Tier 3 Fuel standard by the United States EPA introduced a new regulation for sulfur to ensure predictable product quality, to reduce undesired emissions and thereby to protect the environment. Following closely the example of Japan (JIS K 2204, since 2007), Europe (Euro5, 2009) and California (LEV III, 2015), now the world´s largest fuel marked has reduced the upper average limit for car fuels to 10 mg/kg sulfur. To survey these limit without negative effects, a robust, fast and stable analysis technique, able to overcome matrix effects, has to be applied. The combustion based elemental analysis, using HiPerSens UV fluorescence detection combined with MPO technology, is perfectly suited for this purposes. We present a study on the measurement sensitivity, matrix robustness and long term stability of method for different fuel matrices including not only the classic fossil fuels, but also bio-based fuels and additives base on the ASTM D5453.