Ankersmid Sampling BV is a family-owned European manufacturer of gas sampling and gas conditioning equipment and well-known on the market since almost 60 years now as a global company in the field of gas sampling and laboratory equipment.
Our hands-on experience led to the state-of-the-art conditioning systems that we offer today.
New technologies like touch-screen controlled displays with modern communications, new and advanced sample probes, really portable conditioning systems (lightweight and ergonomic) are just some of the developments that makes Ankersmid Sampling BV a leading manufacturer.
All our products such as gas sample probes (stationary and portable), gas coolers (compressor and Peltier style), compact conditioning systems (stationary and portable), universal filter, NOx-converter etc. are completely developed, designed, enhanced and equipped with the latest technologies.
Stationary heated gas sample probe
Portable heated gas sample probe
Portable gas conditioning system
Peltier gas cooler
Compressor gas cooler
Heated sample lines
NOx gas converter
Universal gas filter
Coalescing filter
Stationary multi-component NDIR gas analyzer
Portable multi-component NDIR gas analyzer