CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Total Environmental and Process Control in Energy from Waste: Case Study
Presenter Name: Mr Ryan Goater
Company/Organisation: ENVEA
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

The demands on the Energy from Waste (EfW) sector to achieve and demonstrate ever decreasing emissions of process gases and particulates, both for regulatory compliance and in the interests of social responsibility, requires an effective and complete monitoring solution that can both accurately report and proactively manage emissions to air. This workshop will demonstrate how ENVEA can provide a complete solution which enables Process Operators to improve their process efficiency, control abatement processes, monitor and report emissions to meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate these controls to the local community. With recent draft Best Available Techniques Conclusions (BATC) signalling a further decrease in Emission Limit Values in EfW, this presentation will show how, by utilising precision instrumentation from within the ENVEA range, operators can monitor further back into the process enabling early warnings for changes in dosing or the performance of abatement and being able to more effectively manage their process before breaches of permit conditions can occur. This presentation will also show how complete Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) can help demonstrate to both regulators and the local community the controls that minimise the environmental impact from EfW processes.”