CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Standardising proficiency testing for emission monitoring: EN 17656:2022
Presenter Name: Mr Thomas Smith
Company/Organisation: NPL
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Proficiency testing (PT) provides a demonstration that companies are performing to required standards in a particular field, and participation is often a mandatory part of maintaining accreditation. A general standard for PT, ISO 17043, has been the basis for testing in the past, but due to the nature of being a “general” standard there are no specific provisions for technical areas. CEN/TC 264/WG 45 was therefore tasked with creating a new standard to help providers translate the general requirements to the needs of industrial emission monitoring: EN 17656:2022 Stationary source emissions – Requirements on proficiency testing schemes for emission measurements. This standard provides this foundation and has been designed in parallel with the redefined ISO 17043:2023 to provide the guidance to underpin emission monitoring PT in future. Here I will outline the changes in the revised ISO 17043, key points from EN 17656 and how this will benefit accredited schemes in future.