CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Results from a blind comparison of sulphate measurements by accredited laboratories and the implications for monitoring SO2 emissions within the IED uncertainty limits
Presenter Name: Dr Marc Coleman
Co-authors:Mr Matthew Ellison
Mr Rod Robinson
Mr Tom Gardiner
Mr Thomas Smith
Company/Organisation: National Physical Laboratory
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

Both synthetically prepared and 'real' (stack simulator extracted) sulphate samples were despatched to UK analytical laboratories ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for sulphate analysis in accordance with EN 14791: the European Standard Reference Method (SRM) for periodical monitoring of SO2 emissions from stacks and flues. We compared the variance seen across the blind comparison of these laboratories to the uncertainty requirements associated with emission limits found in the Industrial Emissions Directive. Whilst the amount of variance found indicated that the IED uncertainty requirements for compliance monitoring could in principle be routinely met, the same was not true for the stricter uncertainty requirements set in many member states for the use of EN 14791 for the calibration of process plant operator Automated Measuring Systems (AMS) in accordance with EN 14181.