CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Performance Specification Testing Challenges of Mercury CEMS, 10 Years After We Started
Presenter Name: Jeff Socha
Company/Organisation: Thermo Fisher
Country: United States

Abstract Information :

After ten years of field deployment of continuous mercury monitoring systems (CMMS), cement plants and coal-fired power plants still find there are many challenges associated with the performance specification testing (often referred to as "certification") of these systems. Of particular interest are bias and error found when comparing instrumental continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), sorbent trap CEMS (formerly known as Appendix K CMMS), EPA methods 30A and 30B relative accuracy test audit (RATA) data. This paper will discuss issues and challenges associated with CMMS performance test programs and point out some controversial topics currently being discussed by members of the monitoring and auditing community. We will discuss the use of an elemental generator certified by NIST that eliminates the need for liquid Hovacal calibrations in non-compliance Mercury CEM Systems. We will compare the measurement of a single Mercury analyzer when challenged with both NIST traceable elemental standards to that of oxidized standards generated by Hovacal vapor system.