CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Gas fingerprint recognition
Presenter Name: Mr Pernille Heyerdahl Kjønås
Company/Organisation: Tunable
Country: Norway

Abstract Information :

An innovative technology with opportunities within emission monitoring: Gas fingerprint recognition.
Tunable offers today products and technology that can be used in a wide range of industries and applications. The T2500 analyzer is perfect for the continuous emissions monitoring in the maritime industry as it detects and quantifies all relevant GHG, it is insensitive to vibrations and has practically no OPEX.
However, at Tunable we believe that traditional gas analysis is just one part of the solution for the future. Consequently, a cutting-edge technology that takes gas analysis to the next level has been developed. We call it Gas Fingerprint Recognition.

Gas Fingerprint Recognition is a novel approach to gas analysis that goes beyond simply measuring gas concentrations. Advanced sensors can detect complex and unknown mixes of gases and odors, and then leverage powerful algorithms to recognize patterns and relationships in the data. This allows the users to uncover valuable insights from the composition of gases and odors. In fact, Gas Fingerprint Recognition resembles the way the human sense of smell works.

Unlocking the Secrets of Gas Mixes and Odors
By analyzing the unique spectral “fingerprint” of gas mixtures, it is now possible to recognize patterns in the data associated with gases or odors emitted from a product or process to characterize its state. This means that one can use gas analyzers to gain insights into the condition, performance, and quality of the products or processes based on the patterns detected in the gases emitted.

Gas fingerprint recognition involves four steps:
1. Sense: The sensor can be configured to extract gases from point sources or sense gases in the surroundings by diffusion.
2. Measure: The unique capability to scan over a broad range of the IR spectrum to measure the spectral response (fingerprint) of the gas mixture is used.
3. Recognize: By using a trained data model, it is possible to recognize patterns and relationships in the fingerprint data.
4. Determine: The resulting output is valuable information classifying the state of the process, product or surroundings based on the gases measured.

At the core of the solution is the state-of-the-art hardware technology. The sensors are based on Infrared Spectroscopy, combined with the patented and unique MEMS optical filter. This technology allows for scanning of a broad range of the infrared wavelength spectrum, capturing a wealth of data about the gases and odors present with a single device in real-time.

The Gas Fingerprint Recognition technology is designed to be robust, reliable, and easy to use in a range of settings. From point measurements to a network of distributed measurements – a solution meeting the specific needs can be identified. Moreover, the devices are highly durable and can withstand harsh conditions with no maintenance, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.