CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Experiences and approaches of EN 17255-1 real data implementation
Presenter Name: Mr Jordi Puig Hereu
Co-authors:Mr Txema Mancheño Reyes
Mr Daniel de Haro Menchon
Mrs Meritxell Rodriguez Viloca
Mr Xavier Guinar Primé
Company/Organisation: Generalitat de Catalunya
Country: Spain

Abstract Information :

Catalunya is one of the most industrial region in Spain. Since 1993 emissions of high impact industrial plants measuring with AMS have been digitally recorded by the competent authority Generalitat de Catalunya. Since 2011 Technical Guidance on AMS data handling have been developed and implemented on IED installations. Finally, on march 2021 a Technical Guidance on DAHS, following EN 17255 part one and two, was published and since December 2022 the instruction is completely deployed and plant are fulfilling this standard. With more than 10 years of experience in data acquisition and handling systems, we realized that implementing EN 17255 was not straight forward and several approaches had to be made to go form the standard (in paper) to the real day by day world: • Raw data capping and extra AMS data quality assurances are required in case of big increase of the measurement range. • Simplification on status and plant signal data has achieved by defining a hierarchy definition a short group of FLD tags that cover the all the different purposes FLD. • Single installation agreement on the detailed application of this tags has been done taking into account legal bindings. • Detailed definition on the ELV evaluation, further than the concentration limits, have been defined for every single installation. • Detailed definitions on reportable modes fulfilling European legislation (IED, EPRTR, GHG ETS) and national legislation, have been concretely defined. • All these specific detailed definitions have been stated in a binding document that defines how this data has to be treated, evaluated and reported to get conclusions. • Accurate definitions of the STA and LTA detailed calculations and correspondent ELV defined by the competent authority. In this conference it will detailed the implementation of all these issues and the experiences learned from one year of EN 17255 application.