CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Evaluation of methods for determination of formaldehyde in stack emissions
Presenter Name: Mr Amedeo Manuel Cefalì
Co-authors:Ms Claudia Franchina
Ms Martina Gianotti
Dr Domenico Cipriano
Company/Organisation: University of Milano-Bicocca
Country: Italy

Abstract Information :

Formaldehyde is a molecule hard to measure because of its photosensitive properties and its ability of reacting fast with different compounds (radicals, OH, O3 etc.). It also has a high solubility in water, thus, the measured values are often affected by artifacts with a difficult-to-determine uncertainty. The CEN/TC 264 WG 40 has published CEN/TS 17638:21 normative, which states the reference manual method for the determination of formaldehyde in stationary source emissions. This work aims to evaluate the formaldehyde measuring methods, for this reason preliminary trial tests were conducted to evaluate (1) the sampling protocol, and (2) the analytical technique. From a measurement perspective, two methods were selected: EPA 323—VDI 3862-6 and VDI 3862-2 to verify its metrological properties (i.e., precision, biases, reproducibility, and repeatability), costs and the training needs for involved personnel. With this aim, two measuring campaigns were conducted on a real biomass plant that produces biogas (biomethane) from anaerobic fermentation of organic waste, and some important conclusions emerged concerning the HCHO sampling procedure. Due to high water levels normally present, condensation during sampling is critical and can cause unpredictable errors; wet traps (impingers) give good responses. The sampling in pure water appeared unstable, but using an H2SO4 solution solved this issue, thus being recommended.