CEM - Abstract

Presenter Name: Mr Mathias Klostermann
Co-authors:Mrs Sarah Luehmann
Company/Organisation: DURAG GmbH
Country: Germany

Abstract Information :

1. Keywords
- Continuous Mercury Monitoring
- Reduction Measures
- Speciation
- Mercury
- Mercury Emissions

2. Highlights
- Overview about the global market for continuous mercury monitoring
- Introduction to the product solution we are offering
- Sharing international experience in regards of emission monitoring
- Application examples

3. Purpose Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal naturally present in our environment which is of growing global concern. The UNEP Minamata Convention on Mercury has been signed and ratified by more than 200 countries since 2013. The objective of the Convention is to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury. Coal burning is one of the most significant anthropogenic sources of mercury emissions to the atmosphere making more than 85 % of these emissions [1]. Global mercury emissions to air are estimated with 2.300 tons per year. The proportion of European Union member states is determined with 3.2 % of global emissions with an amount of 77.2 t/a [1]. We are already facing a global challenge on the fulfilment of emission limit value reductions within industrial plants which we need to tackle.

4. Materials and Methods
Total mercury analyser HM-1400 TRX 2 by DURAG GmbH and application examples.

5. Results and discussion
Most plants do not apply any Hg specific reduction methods but benefit from the Hg capture at the existing stages of the flue gas cleaning system. In order to comply with the new emission levels Hg specific reduction measures have to be applied such as for example fuel pretreatment, carbon sorbent injection or boiler bromine addition [2].

6. Conclusion and perspectives
I will demonstrate the versatile applications of continuous measuring mercury analyzers (Hg CEMS) for continuous emission monitoring as well as for optimization of mercury specific reduction measures. In this context the determination of the ratio of the mercury species present in the flue gas (elemental mercury Hg0 and oxidised mercury Hgn+) at different stages of the flue gas cleaning system is especially of interest. I discuss the advantages of continuous Hg measurement in comparison with discontinuous methods such as long-term sampling and the standard reference method according to EN 13211. I present practical examples using Hg CEMS allowing speciation of Hg0 and Hgn+ for continuous Hg measurements at different stages of the flue gas cleaning system.

7. References
[1] UNEP, Global Mercury Assessment 2018: Sources, Emissions, Releases and Environmental Transport, UNEP Chemicals, Branch, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.
[2] T. Lecomte, J. F. Ferreira de la Fuente, F. Neuwahl, M. Canova, A. Pinasseau, I. Jankov, T. Brinkmann, S. Roudier, L. D. Sancho,
Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for Large Combustion Plants, EUR 28836 EN, doi :10.2760/0949, 2017.