CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: Assessment of SO3 in industrial off-gas
Presenter Name: Dr Thor Anders Aarhaug
Co-authors:Dr Ole Sigmund Kjos
Company/Organisation: SINTEF
Country: Norway

Abstract Information :

Assessment of SO3 in industrial off-gas is traditionally done in order calculate acid dew point to avoid corrosion from condensed acid. With more application of heat extraction from off-gases, accurate information about the dew point is wanted. Further, with a lot of focus on carbon capture and storage, for technologies involving absorbents the presence of acid mist has been identified as a challenge to the capture technology as it results in losses/degradation of the absorbents used. SO3 assessment in industrial off-gas can be performed with several methods. For primary aluminium production with a high content of HF in the gas, the number of methods is limited due to the use of glassware. In this presentation, an overview of methods for SO3 assessment is given. For aluminium production, a comparison of two methods: a conventional EPA method is compared with a new salt trap method is compared. Evaluation of salt trap method is also done in ferroalloy industry where interference from high SO2 conditions, salt trap break-through is evaluated. Several methods for calculating acid dew point from SO3 concentration is discusses. Two analytical methods for assessment of SO3 is presented. Finally, the method sensitivity for SO3 is evaluated.