WWEM - Exhibitor - RS Hydro

RS Hydro is a multi-disciplined instrumentation company, founded in 1997, providing specialist expertise to tackle technological issues facing clients over a large range of work in the water, environmental and industrial sectors.
Our experience is combined with the latest available technology and extensive training to guarantee absolute client satisfaction.
We are proud to represent Proteus Instruments, Eureka & Thermo Scientific for water quality monitoring and sensors, Panametrics, Siemens and Teledyne ISCO for flow meters and auto samplers, Solinst for groundwater monitoring, Wildeye and Banner remote monitoring. We also provide design, consultancy, servicing and installation worldwide.



Products on Display at WWEM

PT900 portable ultrasonic flow meter
AT600 ultrasonic flow meter
MAG 8000 electromagnetic flow meter
DuraTracker flow meter
LaserFlow non-contact velocity sensor
6712 wastewater sampler
Proteus water quality probe
Manta+ multiparameter sonde
Levelogger 5
Wildeye telemetry

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