WWEM - Abstract

Register at WWEM 2024

Abstract Title: Breathing Easy: Managing Respiratory Hazards in Water Treatment Sites
Presenter Name: Mr Martyn Standering
Company/Organisation: Draeger Safety UK
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

In the water industry employees often work in environments where hazardous substances are present such as hydrogen sulphide, chlorine, sulphur dioxide and ozone at water treatment and chemical handling units. Other areas may have changing oxygen levels and concentrations of toxic gases, posing a risk to respiratory, and overall, health. Learn how to specify the appropriate respiratory protection equipment for the environment, the hazard and the risk and to keep employees safe when they come into contact with hazardous substances. Illustrated with a case study describing the benefits of using Powered Air Respiratory Protection (PAPR) at Severn Trent Water.

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Supporting Partners and Associations

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