Walter Spieksma

StillPeaks Netherlands


My name is Walter Spieksma.
Professionally I try connecting chemical composition to physical properties. The chemical essence of my work is boiling points of pure liquids and mixtures. This lead to technical contributions to ASTM committee D2 and a patent. Once upon a time I started in environmental chemistry. Understanding the fate of chemicals in the ecosystem lead to the concept of fugacity in GC and distillation which is realized in post-run GC software of StillPeaks B.V (

Short description about presentation:

Oil industry started long before 1900 and is older than gas chromatography, so test distillation was used for sample analysis and not GC. Fast GC analysis of Diesel and Jetfuel already is a standard but Gasoline is not. Detailed hydrocarbon analysis (DHA) with pattern recognition uses GC analysis input to separate and identify gasoline and blendfeed compounds in 6 minutes. The composite report of DHA is input for the fugacity filmmodel of ASTM method D86 distillation. GC post-run software allows the user to obtain physical distillation data in 5.8 minutes. The DHA-Fugacity Filmmodel software has advantages for sample throughput, cost per analysis and safety. Reproducibility from a 9 laboratory cross check and results from our Rotterdam refinery test site will be presented.