PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: Post-Column Fractionation After a GC Separation
Abstract Type: Oral
Session Choice: Analytical Techniques: Chromatography and Separations
Presenter Name: Dr Sjaak de Koning
Company/Organisation: Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions
Country: Netherlands

Abstract Information :

Gas chromatography is superior for separation of many compounds classes. These often non-polar compounds are, however, still separated by liquid chromatography when fractionation and further analysis is required. In this contribution, a new technique will be presented for post-column fractionation of complete GC chromatograms in 96 or 384 well plates. This new analytical technology is based on post-column infusion of solvents with a low boiling point, e.g. hexane, , in the GC oven.

Prior to infusion, the solvent is pre-heated. Directly after infusion, a transfer capillary column directs the solvent flow outside the GC oven, where the solvent condensates while trapping compounds eluting from the GC capillary column. The transfer capillary is connected to a fraction collector. After evaporation of the solvent, the dried fractions can be used for further analysis.

The demonstrated technology is very straightforward. It does not require sophisticated traps and allows the collection of large numbers of fractions during a GC run. The VU University in Amsterdam developed this technology that enables a highly efficient, high-resolution and high-yield fractionation of compounds after a GC separation. Essential part of the application is the XYZ-sampler combined with the Da Vinci smart grip. The application is commercially introduced in 2016 as the GC Fractionator.

The application has been used in environmental and petroleum exploration setting. For the environmental application toxic pollutants in environmental mixtures were identified by their bioactivities towards the dioxin receptor and androgen receptor in 96 well plate format, and acetylcholine esterase bioactivity in a 384 well plate. For the petroleum exploration the GC fractionation is used to identify the biomarkers or "molecular fossils" in petroleum exploration.