PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: Efficient and profitable combustion-based organic elemental analysis - C/N/S/Cl determination from ultra-trace till wt-% contents
Abstract Type: Oral
Session Choice: Molecular and Elemental Spectrosopy
Presenter Name: Dr Angela Groebel
Co-authors:Dr Stefan Jezierski
Mrs Katharina Vlach
Company/Organisation: Analytik Jena AG
Country: Germany

Abstract Information :

Today's quality control labs face high regulatory and financial pressures. International and national regulations (e.g. ASTM D6667, D5453, D5762, D7457 etc.), set high standards for the labs and especially in industry and contract labs - analysis has to be affordable in order to keep a competitive pricing for final products and offered services.

Additionally, complex sample matrices make even routine S/N/Cl/C determinations difficult and the amount of samples that have to be analyzed in the same time has increased steadily over the years while number of operators often has decreased reversely. New analysis solutions including enhanced technologies and application strategies have to address these points.

Analytik Jena will be highlighting some of these practical solutions for a variety of routine and special analysis tasks from oil & gas production, refineries, petro and chemical industry - technologies and applications that work for you and get your lab ready for the future.